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About Morgie

  • Birthday 10/24/1997

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  1. Careers we need

    There should be jobs in the educational area. We should be able to be a principal, a teacher, or a school nurse. The children could be AI characters as for any other job that requires multiple people!!!! There should be jobs in the law enforcement area such as: Police officer, Detective, FBI agents to take down "super criminals", DEA agents, Probation officers, jail officers, judges, random unpaid jury appearances, and social workers if children exist There should be basic government jobs so new laws can build into the game, like real life, and laws can be removed as well. like: president, vice president, voters, political parties, and the cabinet branches of the government. We should be able to become farmers, grocery store/ furniture ect. owners, factory owners, truck drivers, or someone who makes money by selling things at a flea market. There should be jobs in the medical field like: Peramedics, surgeons, doctors, dentists, and nurses. or other jobs like taxi driver, school bus driver, bus driver, burger flipper, cash register attendant. ect.