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  1. System to disguise a player's nametag.

    Yeah, honestly I'd want no tags to begin with, only being able to recognize people by their voice/looks, same as in real life, but in this video: You can see at eight minutes and thirty seconds into the video (8:30) the name-tag above "motown", unless they have planned to remove that, I believe this suggestion, and the suggestion you've created would increase the role-play, maybe to make it harder on the police to catch suspects they have a "BOLO" (Be on look out) created for.
  2. System to disguise a player's nametag.

    It did help, I'd enjoy the realistic effect of the drugs, along with production of them, thanks for the helpful reply, and thank you for the welcome.
  3. If there is a name-tag system implemented within the game, I've thought of a system that would hide the name tag of a player, used to disguise their name from others having the power to use it against them as it's shown above their head or within the player himself, I am suggesting an option that is required for everyone to specify who they want to know their name/those who currently know the player's name, it would be a required option to use if someone had found out the player's name in a role-play manner, I feel it would just increase the role-play within Identity, and help from people using name tags as an advantage. Also wanting to add: I've asked a question on Identity's twitter page, haven't gotten an answer but here's the question..