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About ValyaLady

  • Birthday 09/03/1990

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  1. Fashion Boutique - Stylist

    Thank You all I I've already had a similar experience on another platform for more than five years ... catalog, show room and fashion shows. Fantastic and fun experience with great satisfaction and lots of passionate customers. Also, a few million products sold and a very interesting income for platform owners ... considering (less or more) I took 25% of the profits and they 75%.
  2. I agree! Mi sembra la migliore soluzione!
  3. Thanks Lucky Duck! Understood
  4. It's nice to have a community and to play games like this one because we are all different. That give originality and unespected ways to our experiences here. So... let's keep our differences, our countries and our languages... and let's enjoy Identity
  5. I agree, all country-language communities are very "original"... most of time in a good way, but non every time
  6. why not to open few sub-areas of the Forum targeted on different languages and countries? I am an italian living in a french language country and I see everyday not all the people can discuss or write in english language. Maybe it can be good to have specific discussion boards by language-country for "no-english speaking" users.
  7. Dev Blog Tomorrow Confirmed

    I agree that quality requires all the time it takes. Better to wait for a good product to use rather than having the satisfaction of starting, but being disappointed and having trouble using it. Anyway, I think that having an exploratory version, even defective and incomplete, can help developers find errors and bugs faster through users reports... so I hope to see the "test" version soon, testing it to improve it
  8. Brand new and Curious

    Thank you for your input Narc, I will do that!
  9. feedback

    I agree with HairyGrenade: 3D modeling it's hard if you want to create good models... working in this platform. You need to create a good mesh with the right balance of quality-look and weight (poly number). You need to create and put the textures, then set reflections, bumps and other details. After that, in a dynamic platform like this one, you need to work on physique and collision... matching with the Platform World settings. So the work is hard also after the mesh-model ready.
  10. Fashion Boutique - Stylist

    Hello, I know it is technically hard but I would love to have a Fashion Show Room. Ofc, if clothes and shoes are already in a General-Global Shop that cant work, but maybe It will be possible to buy an "exclusive sale" for some products with a fee. The best solution, for me, will be to create my own product to sell... but I know this feature will be not improved at the moment. I had a good success with my creations in other platforms so I cross fingers for this career opportunity HERE... hoping to have the possibility in the future. have a great day to all, Valya
  11. Brand new and Curious

    thank you all
  12. Hello all, Virtual Worlds like SecondLife (and now Sansar), IMVU, Warcraft and others... work, grow, evolve and make "economy" thanks to a Big Market of Creations by the Players-Accounts-Avatars-Users. That can expand faster the possibilities and increase the speed of development. So, my suggestion is to open the possibility to the users to make stuff... with the supervision-selection of an Art Director, part of the official Team. That can be a secondary market with limits decided by the Identity Team. Development will be fast and more creative thanks to the contribution of User-Creators Economy and Item Shop will grow incredibly Identity can be more attractive for new user because of the amount of items and possibilities. Users-Creators will have the possibility to have a micro-economy selling stuff and making money (with a fee to give) and having a great Job-Career Motivation for User-Creator will be very high and Brand New products will come continuously That works great with other platforms... so, why not here? Example: Sansar by LindenLab (the new platform) Team can focus on the development of the platform and the features. thanks for the attention, Valya
  13. Brand new and Curious

    Ok, thank you so much Merci beaucoup pour ta reponse vite et efficace, aussi si j'aimerais bien de contribuer à tout ça. J'ai eu un bon succès dans un autre monde virtuel donc... je voulais m'amuser à créer un peu ici. Merci et bonne soirée Valya
  14. Hi, I’m Gianni!

    Ciao Gianni, anche io sono italiana e anche io creo oggetti 3D (meshes e textures) ed ho il desiderio di creare anche in questo mondo virtuale. Non ho ancora capito se esiste una versione beta test da provare e la possibilità di creare... ma sono nuova e spero di capirne di più col tempo. Ciao e buona giornata-serata, Valya