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About Shwado

  • Birthday 07/29/1999

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  1. Mansions

    lol what is this zimbabwe
  2. A face to the name of Developers...

    john,sean,lee,philip,mark and charles have had their names "leaked" on streams before (not sure about the rest) also i think if they didnt want it to go public the thread would be deleted before getting a single msg so i think theyre fine with it
  3. Ray Tracing

    ray tracing is just coming out, I doubt its gonna be implemented in unreal for a long time... especially a version that's stable because ray tracing is all new for video games and all. also, side note nothing is wrong with reflection mapping so ray tracing atm will probably just make the game run slower
  4. Train surfing

    honestly i think freight hopping would be much cooler

    yea i would love deathrow ... only because i want to ask for stupid last meals
  6. I made a nice flag!

    u dont get to choose
  7. make the female characters look NORMAL

    actually i was gonna talk about how female models are smaller and there for have smaller hitboxes (in some games)
  8. make the female characters look NORMAL

    ii think the biggest reason why female characters get the same movement animation is because they want to keep the game fair and have the hitboxes be relatively the same (i could be wrong) but its the best explanation i could come up with other than oh the devs were lazy and etc
  9. make the female characters look NORMAL

    to me the females or any online character in gta looks like they just came out of one of those "this is what meth does to you" ads
  10. International Waters

    lucky y are the devs trying to separate the community with those dlcs ? havent we learned anything from battle field
  11. mini game idea ?

    even if its popular ? and y so late
  12. Player Store Clerks

    i think they just want going to a store to be reliable where u pay and you're guaranteed the item you were looking for
  13. mini game idea ?

    so i was thinking about making a mod for the game once the modding tool comes out ... its a mod about making your own amusement park (little proof of concept i made a little bit ago, i was thinking about including it in the map somewhere, but its gonna be easier to run on official servers if its just a mini game , u get inside of where u have a play ground to just build your dream amusement park and share it with your friends. (and maybe make some in game money from the amount of "downloads" your amusement park gets)
  14. Love's Guns

    oops didnt notice it