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About Honorablecotton

  • Birthday 10/02/1990

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  1. What guns do you want to see?

  2. What guns do you want to see?

    Bean bag guns and
  3. What guns do you want to see?

    I would also like a mini 14. As it isn't really a sniper and barley a DMR. Also a Glock 18... For the special encounters
  4. What guns do you want to see?

    A crossbow might be nice. And a jpx (pepper spray shot out as a gel in a pistol shaped gun) aka pepper gun.
  5. What guns do you want to see?

    Absolute abomination. Just kidding ?.
  6. Job Poll

    I hope you count bounty hunter as law enforcement.
  7. What guns do you want to see?

    Kar 98k
  8. What guns do you want to see?

    I hope a karabiner 98k counts as one of those hunting rifles they talked about.
  9. What guns do you want to see?

    I think a map editor would be cool in private servers. You could spawn weapons not available in the base game, like snipers ?.
  10. What guns do you want to see?

    I agree with the first part , but am thoroughly confused by the second. Seems slightly contradictive to me.
  11. TheDynasty from Canada!

    This is really late, but welcome. I regularly watch your Identity and PUBG videos.
  12. What guns do you want to see?

    Yes. With the rise of PUBG, these have become increasingly popular. Maybe a swat member or higher would be cool.
  13. What guns do you want to see?

    This is meant for law enforcement weapons, not thug guns.
  14. What guns do you want to see?

    I like this! These are good ideas (mostly). Any Ideas on mods, as well?
  15. What guns do you want to see?

    The feedback is good. Keep it flowing, also should we get to pick our weapons after a certain rank...in all departments?