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Everything posted by RenegadeNine

  1. Taking too long!

    $1.2m is really not a lot of money to develop a game of this kind of caliber that they are looking at. For comparison, GTA V cost $265m to develop.
  2. regional cost

    If this game is all it promises to be then $45 will be a bargain, in my opinion.
  3. regional cost

    @Drd27Btw if someone follows a topic, they can view all replies in the emails (even if they get deleted.. )
  4. regional cost

    You would assume that as it's like that for most games nowadays, however that may not be the case. Best to not mis-inform people if you're not 100% certain
  5. Well, the day is almost here.

    First I've heard of it.. source please?
  6. Well, the day is almost here.

    False, town square won't have firearms.
  7. Relase Date ?

    Yes, you will. Full game meaning after all 3 modules are completed.
  8. Well, the day is almost here.

    I fail to see any relevance between House Flipper and Identity. Town square won't have missions for a start, and even House Flipper has more to do that TS will. You say you have a decent list of stuff you're going to do, mind sharing some ideas? I'm genuinely curious, because I'm not sure how it will be possible to get enjoyment out of TS after the first few hours.
  9. Well, the day is almost here.

    Except there won't be anything to do besides playing chess, singing and writing books. Altis Life has a hell of a lot more to do, how are you supposed to RP properly in such a tiny world?
  10. Relase Date ?

    Full game release? A few more years at the very least I would imagine.
  11. Well, the day is almost here.

    Sorry mate, I don't buy it. Town square isn't the full game, the 'glory days' are a long way off yet, town square is going to be boring with very little to do. Unless you're a chess fanatic or something, don't jump the gun because it's really not going to be an exciting experience after an hour or 2.
  12. Task Tracker 4 days and counting..

    Monday was off because of Memorial Day, not sure about Friday and Tuesday though.
  13. Interested as to how many of each type of pledger there is

    I was a founder before I refunded - if I like what I see later on today in the dev stream, I'll consider pledging again.
  14. How this game will surpase even GTA

    How can you possibly say Identity has done anything better than GTA when we've only seen 1 minute of gameplay and haven't yet been able to play the game?
  15. Police Applications

    Its easily possible, all you need is, say, 10 people to sort out 50 each. Its not like you need to accept everyone and interview them.

    Bumping 10 month year old threads
  17. Hype

    Did you not see the previous messages?
  18. What is the difference? Honestly..

    "there is barely anything to do in this module. " When compared to what the full game will be like, correct. However, module 1 is our first look at the game and its probably the most important out of the 3. People don't like what they see in M1? They probably wont return for this game again, so it's kind of make or break for the development team. (This is my view on it, I'm not trying to state facts)
  19. Truck driving?

    So I heard that delivery vans were going to be part of the game, but heres the real question for me - what about truck driving? I'm aware there's an emphasis on the driving in the game and also the realism of this, so surely truck driving should be a part of this game? Especially if the map is going to be roughly the same size as Altis
  20. Truck driving?

    I hope so! Truck driving is a massive part of Altis Life, I really hope they can bring it into Identity in a more realistic way.