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Posts posted by subway244

  1. Nobody has the game, yet. The first module will be releasing soon, followed by the two other modules, the Beta, then the final game. If you wish to play the final game, the beta, and the modules, please purchase packages $30+. The $15 only gets you a pre-purchase and a hat.

  2. 6 hours ago, whitehorn said:

    Hello to a long-standing member of the community. I'm personally late to the game but hope to make up lost ground. 

    I'm an expat in Taipei. I plan to play on an Oceania server because I'm afraid of lag on NA servers. 

    I'm not sure if it's needed, but I am a graphic designer. I do logos, advertisements, designs of many kinds but my style is simplistic and minimalistic. If you're looking for a designer, I'd be willing to offer some help. 



    Welcome to the community! Some links below will provide you with some more information!

    • Like 1

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mikusiodaktyl said:

    1. There should be in-game clothes designing and producing possibility, and there will be as far as I know.

    2. Another option would give endless options as this would be modeling some piece of clothing (like assassin robes or other complicated cloth) outside Identity and posting it on a website for devs to accept or reject it, kinda like they do on steam. Not sure if this will be possible, just a suggestion. Also not sure if assassin robes would be accepted by developers, as these are kind of a trademark.


    1. You will be able to change logos on clothes, and change patterns. I am unsure about mass-production.


    2. First off, there will be no custom models for Identity, at least on official servers. They want to have some sort of modding, but haven't even worked on a system for this, as of yet. So for this question, I am unsure, but if I had an opinion I would say not to expect this, for you cannot create something out of nothing.

  4. They want to create a player-created website feature in the final game, but, as of yet, this mechanic has not been confirmed. I doubt that they would create a DarkWeb system within the game, but I am simply uninformed in this area.

  5. UPDATE:

    I won't add "Random Polls | Vol. 2" until June 2.


    I will also not be on the forums for another week, so any questions you may have about Identity or the like can be answered by contacting @LuckyDuck

  6. 3 minutes ago, Jason_Bourne said:

    You all know what I'm thinking, and the clickbait title says it all and yes we need it...


    An Ice Cream Shop


    Whether it be created by the devs or players, it is a must to have one in every town.


    Who's with me in supporting the ice cream shop revolution!


    Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   Ice Cream Shop   

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