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About Jenoah

  • Birthday March 7

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  1. So does this mean that we can decorate out characters and houses for free? Will we keep these furniture and clothing items as the development of the game continues? And are our appartments saved the way we leave them?
  2. [Tutorial] How to get the console working.

    Got it working by doing what Triple said, but you have to be in the settings panel in order to access the console. When I tried it however, the character didn't show up and I couldn't interact with everything. I think this is due to me playing local and not loading everything in properly, what should be done by using the "Play" button on the start screen. Good enough if you want to look around till the servers are back online
  3. Peoples Coumputer Specs

    Intel core i5 6300 8GB RAM Nvidia GTX 970 If i'll remember, I'll post my specs in more detail
  4. $15 Package

    If you would like beta access (so being able to play when the first module releases (april 23rd)), you should upgrade to the founder pack which is $30,-. The package you currently have doesn't give you access to the beta, but does give you access to the full game which doesn't have a release date yet.
  5. What will happen when you are offline?

    So, actually, if you want to keep your house, you need to come on every week? Let's say that you are on a holiday to the middle of nowhere for an extended period of time, without the ability of accessing a computer. That means that you lose your appartement/house, right? And do also lose your furniture layout? And what if you have a two bedroom appartement/house? Will then the other person pay the rent if there is one? Thanks,
  6. Hi, I was wondering what would happen whenever you are not online. Will you still be charged for rent of your appartement / house if you have one or does nothing happen at all to your character? Or do you need to stock on food for a while so that your character can eat automatically if the system works like this? Are there other things that happen with your character, banking account, items, vehicles etc.. when you are offline? It's just something I was wondering. Thanks!
  7. Making money in Towns Square

    Thanks, this answer is what I wanted And everyone else who answered as well, thanks to you too
  8. Hi everyone, First of all, I'm hyped and happy about the release date. When I was reading the post about it, I wanted to know if it was possible to make money already in this module. So, is it or isn't it yet? Thanks,