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Posts posted by TonyParys

  1. 15 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    As said before many times, The vehicles will be one of the last things to be worked on and as that is why the racing module (Car module) being the 3rd and final module before the Beta.

    Thanks for the information.

    • Like 1

  2. 19 minutes ago, PrinceChawmin said:

    There will be no vehicles in town square, you'll be walking around and interacting with people and try out some features in the town square.


    If your still talking about town square in this case then yes roleplaying will be there. Again you can walk around, interact with others, and try out some features. But no vehicles in time square module, there is a driving module but that hasn't been worked on yet. You can choose your career, but if im still guessing that your still talking about in the town square then no.

    There is no link to the swat module at the moment, only the description in the info tab. 

    Thank you for the information.

  3. Hey there guys, once again sorry if those answered in the past, but can't seem to find a corresponding answer, will we have our vehicles in TownSquare for the Pleage we have paid for? And also will their be any RolePlay involved besides the basics of living life like Sims? Can we drive our vehicles? Will we be able to choose our careers ? And can I also get a link to what SWAT module is. Thank you very much for your help. Sorry if this was already answered can't find it. 

  4. Hello there citizens of identityrpg, I would truly like to apologize if this question was asked in the past. I joined this forums last night and supported the developers because I like the way this project is coming out. I just wanted to know when will this game be playable for Pleagers, once again I am sorry if this question was asked in the past, please do not come to this thread and start telling me things, I am just looking for a simple direct answer not a tutor.