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  1. Character Idea

    Ahhhhh, I thought she believed she was a ghost indeed, not a walking corpse. My bad
  2. Character Idea

    @Calisto, you're going to spend a lot of time in jail if you keep running around stabbing people with a kitchen knife How does Mavis deal with the fact that people can see her, interact with eventhough she is dead?
  3. Hello from Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands

    @BrianHamiltonTAG, you're it You've really put time into your political party! Love how you worked it all out on paper. I will be watching you closely and maybe even vote for you! But first, I will read the rest of the FAQ, etc. and also other political parties In the beginning I will try not to make enemies, rather stay at low profile. I don't want to have to kill my "friends"...again Just joking about the killing part
  4. Hello from Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands

    Sounds like I would be commited to a live of crime, so at this moment I will keep this in mind but I will not pledge myself...yet I don't have Arma3 though, but I would be happy to demonstrate my skills ingame...if it ever comes to it.
  5. Hello from Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands

    Hahaha, wow...didn't know we could even vote in this game So, Mr. Hamilton, what is your first point on the agenda if you get elected? Right now I'm plowing through the community to learn more befor the game is truly released, so your list will help me perfectly! Thanks for that and welcoming me. Same to Ragnar, and thanks for the tip on toxic people...even though sometimes toxic can come in handy, if you know what I mean
  6. Hi all, Just came across some footage on Facebook and it drew my attention immediatly. This idea really speaks to me and I can't wait to get really started. Became a backer with the Founder level. Haven't decided what to do with my ingame life. Maybe become a cop, maybe a crook or anything in between. Hope to meet you all online soon.