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Posts posted by fuzz

  1. There should be no ratings, game apply for all ages. I think everyone commenting about lower age banishment are bad people, truly. I feel sorry for your kids or when you get them.

    Only thing creating the ratings are drugs, death and foul language. It is a next generation game compared to shit games like the sims and habbo hotel. This will be a revolutionary masterpiece.

  2. @JamesLuck01

    To elaborate corruption will obviously not be allowed on official servers. If you are caught taking a bribe or handing over weapons you will lose your job in the police force and will not be enabled to become a police again.

    I'm pretty sure you will not be enabled to pick up weaponry from police so it will prob extend to civs etc. cannot use police weaponry/vehicles.

  3. Devs mentioned corruption will be punished by losing your job in the police force and maybe an extension to that depending on what youve been doing. Also, there will be a kind of police investigator that keeps the force in line on such instances or if it was higher ranking police that took care of this. As everything comes down it may be altered.

    It will ofc be an issue if the communication is outside of the game to prove.

  4. @Shimozukachi Well there is no silver lining here, I hope there is a way to figure this out :P You might lose connection and someone take advantage of that and kidnap you, then will your body still be in game or not. Some might even take the chance with logout penalty when hiding and succeed. It is truly complex. It is all up to the devs setting the rules and private servers will most likely have their own settings for this.

    @AndrewDonaldson Yes exactly, that's what I mean. It will obviously not be enabled to alter this in any way except if you die or get caught.

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  5. Problem with that is every official server will be somehow linked together as an instance, the body will have to disappear on s1 to appear in s2. Suddenly overcrowded areas with logged people that you cannot interact with seems weird, hundreds of bodies laying around in the streets for a scenario. It is not yet said how this will be approached to my knowledge.

    It is said tho, if you are wanted on s1 you will be wanted on s2 even if logged out or switched server.

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