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Everything posted by jcdock

  1. what server will you play on?

    On the official servers I doubt people will be banned for their age but on community run server I can see that happening
  2. It would be cool if you could tune into online radio stations
  3. identity's currency

    I really hope they go with Zwets!
  4. How do gun fights work?

  5. AntiCheat

    That's why Paratus said it's up the top when it come to priority
  6. How do gun fights work?

    They exist but I would be really surprised to see them in identity
  7. How do gun fights work?

    It probably would too bad Identify won't have an 50 cals , I would be surprised to see a 762 outside of SWAT maybe
  8. Pets/Pet Stores/K-9?

    About pets About fish Not sure about K-9 Units, although that would be cool to be able to track people if they have been in the area recently using K-9
  9. Judges/how to join/duties

    It would be a bit unfair if players could be judges whereas having a jury reduces the chance because it's a majority vote
  10. AntiCheat

    Pretty sure they are making their own
  11. Fame and fortune

    Totally, I mean I would love to rock up to my mansion open the front door and be met by a pet Lion!
  12. misacleneous sounds

    I really hope they get the sound for this game right. Sound does effect immersion a lit
  13. Questions Regarding Private Servers

  14. really

    I thought that was what was happening..
  15. Fame and fortune

    Don't think there will be any exotic pets

    I would totally do that haha
  17. Character Age

    They have said their will be no children so I would imagine that would extend to minors so the lowest would probably be 21
  18. Identity RPG ' Pledge Cards '

    Would be really surprised because the devs hate pay to win
  19. big city like Los Santos

    I would imagine there will be industrial type sheds that you can buy
  20. Weekly Updates?

    It's a cool idea but it would take time away from doing actual dev work
  21. AntiCheat

    I would imagine so BABS is limited to what Arma III can do
  22. AntiCheat

    I believe they have said that it's going to be pretty strong
  23. Pledge bonus question

    You do realize your character will persist across all official servers
  24. Questions Regarding Private Servers

    Good point, I might send a tweet to the official twitter and see what they have to say