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  1. House purchase

    Thanks bud
  2. Next Dev Blog

    Maybe they could do with a community person to keep us all up to date with whats happening and stuff so the devs can keep working hard and then a community person can keep all us eager people happy
  3. How do i join Town Square?

    Hi i think it is if you preorder founders and upwards you get access to all the early stuff
  4. House purchase

    Thank you i understand it now
  5. Propper kidnapping system

    It would be so cool if you can kidnap say a delivery person who works for a company or maybe a director or high ranking menber of a company and demand a ransom and then the victims of this can work with the police to try catch the criminals by a money drop or a tracer in the cash so it can lead the police to where the hostage is
  6. Court and careers

    I heard there was going to be a thing where people can represent people in court? hopefully this holds up as i would love to do something like this
  7. House purchase

    But there was talk of being able to rent houses out to people ???
  8. House purchase

    Thanks i hope there is something in place to stop some lucky person owning to many well hopefully they have lots of houses to purchase haha
  9. House purchase

    Hey guys im just wondering weather there will be a limit on how many homes you can buy to stop a couple of people owning loads and stopping other people buyingm Thanks and sorry if this has been bought up before

    I really hope it is Atleast September I really cant wait to get my hands on this game its exciting stuff