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  1. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I said this before.
  2. DevBlog #010

    Why they keep making it very complicated? Announcement for a announcement date? I have seen these be pulled in the gaming industry before, and mostly causes a lot miss information. At this point i rather have them properly finish the module then rush.. rush.. rush... and release a broke buggy release. For me it would be Fine scooting the module over to Q1 2018, as you can read in the devblog they hired a lot more programmers. And it will take weeks before the team settles down on their new working place, and for the new people to get familiar with the game. This all needs more time! This company just started expanding, they are all experiencing new stuff each day with each other. And with the holidays coming very soon, it would be VERY BAD putting pressure on the team forcing the release in Q4 2017. Just give the new people more time, and start 2018 with a well rested mind.
  3. Dev Blog #009

    So community manager is announced yet?
  4. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I wonder when it will be done, if they correctly managed to calculate the amount of server power they need to have. Because so many people will be hammering the servers in a short amount of time! Maybe they even have to Cap the amount of people that can join. I already see 2 hours wait times for joining a server. And when they allow streamers for streaming, you can easily count-in another 5K+ people buying the game the same day. And then again hammer the servers, really hope they consider all these possibilities for servers to run optimal. Just don't have people stream the game, and constantly have server problems, because of insane demand in a short amount of time.