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About Lynnerup

  • Birthday 10/17/2000

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  1. Cafe owner!

    Sounds very chill, excited to waste money on beer and have fun!
  2. Drivers license cost?

    Thanks LuckyDuck, you cleared up stuff for me, cheers!
  3. Drivers license cost?

    I thought so too, but a reliable youtuber said in one of his videos, that the drivers license was confirmed to be in the game?
  4. Drivers license cost?

    Hi, I'm Lynnerup! I just wanted to ask, if anyone knows the price of the driver license, which you will need in order to drive legally. Also, is there going to be people teaching others how to drive, or is it an automated process (You still have to pass the test, but you won't need someone else to tell you what to do)? Any information is appreciated. Much hugs, many nice. Lynnerup
  5. Pictures of Sport car?

    Thanks for your answers!
  6. Pictures of Sport car?

    Hi fellow pledgers! Does anyone know, if there is a illustration of the ''Sports car'', which you can inherit if you pledge enough? Thanks in advance, I know it is kind of an irrelevant question, but If anyone has the time, I would appreciate any information. - Lynnerup
  7. Bank of Rapidora est. 2016

    Looks really cool man, I have found quite the interest in your bank! Bumpie!
  8. Calypso's Farm

    Hello Hatoful. Please check your PB. Thanks.
  9. How much did you pledge?

    I'm going to work in 2 days, so I'll just buy the rest once I get paid.
  10. The Identity Community Awards (ICA)

    No, its like, I really do believe that I could win this one.
  11. How much did you pledge?

    Oh thanks. It says that the Town Square is 89% done, when do you think it's going to be released? I really have no idea, lol.
  12. How much did you pledge?

    I also meant to pledge another 15$ before the first module is released. :EDIT: I just think it would be better to still have some money in the bank, for as long as possible.
  13. The Identity Community Awards (ICA)

    Yall should've had an award for the most inconsistent and lazy member/No effort put in. I think I would be a great nominee for this one!
  14. How much did you pledge?

    I pledged 15$ yesterday, and I will pay another 15$ the day before the release.