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Kicapri last won the day on March 25 2018

Kicapri had the most liked content!

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38 Farmer


About Kicapri

  • Birthday February 24

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  1. How to be the beginning of the game .... ??

    You'll get to see everything that they have in store for town square and what they've been hard at work for. Hopefully it's good
  2. After over two years of waiting for this game, I can only believe and hope that the date is right. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Have faith boiz
  3. Hello From Turkey

    Welcome to the community! We hope you have a good day aswell
  4. Hello from Israel!

    Welcome to the community! I think a lot of us got hooked on the game nearly the moment we found it, hopefully it can live up to it's expectations which I believe it will.
  5. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    OoOOooOo so sexy
  6. Families

    You can roleplay all you want and have a wife/husband and do whatever but having a baby would be a little hard.. considering every person in the game is an actual player other than the few NPCs unless you want an NPC baby that does't really do anything and I guess you could watch it grow? I just don't see how that would work. And someone or probably a few people have asked this question, they said no from what I remember I could be wrong but sadly I think no.
  7. Hello from Seattle usa

    Looks like the both of us are Identity fans in seattle lol. Welcome to the community (I'm a little late lol)
  8. Hey, I'm Dunco

    You can do anything you want, Welcome to the community
  9. Hi!

    Welcome! It's been a long wait for this game but it'll hopefully be worth it
  10. Mentlegen!

    Welcome to the community
  11. Maybe what we can expect?

    This actually looks a lot like Identity lol
  12. Multiple RP characters

    I couldn't find my answers while looking on the forums but I was wondering if lets say I play a police officer is it possible if I don't want to play police officer or be a drug dealer or whatever, could I make another character for RP just a whole new person with different RP and different job or if I do something I have to stay dedicated to that as if I was a Police officer then I would have to leave the police force. As an example is: on Arma 3 when you play an RP server you could do something like be a rebel then you could leave to the menu and make another character and go into the same server and you are a completely different person.
  13. Moe's Diner

    Didn't you just steal this from MoeTV? lol
  14. Hey everyone

    Hello! And welcome to the community! If you want to pre-order the game and get the modules when they come out and if you want to do that you have to get the $30 version. The time that you have to pre-order is unknown... it could be days, weeks or months it all depends on when the first module finishes. (This is all from my understanding i'm sorry if i'm wrong somewhere but someone will probably correct me if so)
  15. Hi! I'm Seth!

    Welcome to the community! We are all extremely exited for the game it's gonna be great! If you have any questions check out some of the FAQ's in the forums.