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Everything posted by Jinx
I have the same issue, if your headset doesn't have the option then set it to mono via the operating system
Only if they want their game banned across multiple countries.
Simple answer, as a game mechanic it would be far too open to abuse, so it'll never happen. As a role play tool I can't see it NOT happening.
All very nice and pink......but: I've backed Identity even with doubts, and those doubts are valid ones. This is a very ambitious project, there has never been a successful crowd funded mmo, a AAA title, add to that their tiny Dev team and you've got a huge mountain to climb. Fingers toes and everything else crossed, but if they don't find a way to increase the size of their team I think they're going to run into big problems.
You missed something quite important, the basic foundation for any police officer.......upholding (not enforcing) the law.
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Sorry Sam, but you're preaching to a room full of addicts lol
I am hoping that crime will have a central role to play in Identity but, as with everything, the chance of that happening begins with Asylum & what they give us to work with. Up until now the goal of 'criminals' in games has been to cause problems for the police & if you browse these very forums you will see that this is indeed the goal of many players. I want Identity to change all of that. My hope for Identity is that we see the role of the career criminal as being a viable option, where the goal is to make money. Just like in every other walk of life your success or failure, as a career criminal, is measured by how much cash you make. For crime to have a viable role in Identity then, it is imperative that Asylum put into place ways for criminals to make money. If this does not happen then players will continue to measure the success rate of their criminal role by how 'bad' they are. It is important to note here, that success in the Mafia, for example, is measured by how much money you make, not how high your body count is. Crime will be a great success IF there are game mechanics support it.
Someone mentioned this in another post and it got me wondering, will unarmed combat even be possible? because I can't remember reading anything on this subject. I think fist fights would have to be included in a life sim, things like bar brawls etc would be a lot of fun & lead to great RP situations.
Top man Zero, thanks for answering
That's the hope yes
Like many other people in this thread I've long since grown both bored and tired of having to read your 'facts' so I'm going to reply to this then slap you on ignore. Your 'facts' and your being 'well informed' are nothing of the kind, nor do you show a point of view in an understandable way & people keep disagreeing with you simply because of that, you talk rubbish. Identity, changing what it means to be a mmorpg Did you read that, or did you just go straight to the forums to annoy everyone? Payday & GTA5 will, in all probability, continue to do heists better than Identity will......as far as game mechanics go. Human interaction has, and always will be, the heart and soul of the mmo, yet here you are giving us the 'low down' on how banks should be robbed which is exactly the way banks are robbed in Payday and GTA5 when you're playing against NPC's. Here's a newsflash for you, this is not either of those games, nor is it Altis Life or Arma3 or any variation thereof. Asylum will provide us with the tools so that WE can make a difference, not so we can do things the same mind numbing way they've been done before. There will not be any bad cops, or bad criminals, just bad players, & on many private servers I have no doubt such players will be weeded out. Many of these servers will be role play servers, and just to clarify......by role platy I'm talking about people who have taken a lot of time with their char's story and development & see themselves as a part of a picture, not someone who thinks he's role playing because he's decided that on a particular day he'll be a Bank Robber for a bit of fun. I'm hoping that Bank Robberies will be exciting events, not something that happens ten times a day until people get bored with them, I want them to be something the whole city talks about, something that will ADD to peoples daily virtual lives. The Bank full of dead people that you keep talking about, will do none of those things.
Go do a little research, Stop & Search is not a Federal Law & it varies from State to State, & in some States it is, in fact, legal. It's also legal in many other countries & seeing as we're basically inventing a new US state here, I daresay it'll be legal on some servers as well.
^^^ What he said, spin and babble are not responses Capitalist.
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Actually no, he's wrong, in most States 'stop and search' states reasonable suspicion, which is less than probable cause.
Actually no it's not, in the real world a police officer can stop and search you with only reasonable suspicion, in the US that translates to less than probable cause. As for the rest of your statement, consensual role play is for people who will be unarmed & uninterested in enabling people like you who just want to be 'Billy Badass' in video games. And I won't have to stay out of any area's because we'll have our own server, and the criminals on that server will be players who want to bring something to it other than shooting people on a whim.
First off my point is that a crime should work how it is in real life if your careful and take your time and are not noticed it should not just be auto detected by the game for the police. It should have to be discovered or witnessed by a real person or a cop. Sorry that realism is a problem for you. and your right they won't stay idle which is why i said i will kill them to remove that problem. Because hostages in game won't act like real ones. Also was why i had a backup plan of letting my own people out to flank the robbers or just have people wait around corner. So thank you for proving my point on why you need to murder all the hostages because they will not sit idle like real ones. Also i never said that someone deserves to be killed in RL for trying to stop a robber. Though it is a somewhat predictable outcome which is why police don't advise ever doing it. I was only stating a very brutal and effective way to rob a bank in a video game. Since the main reason to not commit murder is an ethical one. So it does not apply to video games since instead of loss and sadness you bother someone a little at most. As for any servers with real jail i don't think they will be very popular criminals so the cops won't have anything to do and won't like it either. They will attract trolls like hell since the people who like killing people for no reason love getting a reaction and people who hate getting killed will live there. Which is why i will avoid them since i like to play my character will they be bad? Oh god yes but there will be reason not madness to it. The only point you are, in fact, proving is that you know as little about robbing banks as you do about structuring a video game. The whole idea of the 'flag' represents all the other means by which you can be identified if you rob a bank.....for example CCTV coverage in many modern towns and cities can cover up to a two mile radius outside the town, let alone inside the bank/store itself. As any seasoned Blagger would tell you, the only thing you achieve by discharging your weapon during a robbery is that you authorize the use of deadly force by law enforcement, so far from increasing your chances of success, all you really mange is to increase the chances of getting yourself killed. The main reason not to kill anyone is not an ethical one, it's a logistical one. The whole idea behind armed robbery is the THREAT that a weapon poses, once you use that weapon, it then becomes a reality. Realism is not a problem for me, but people like yourself who think that all the other players around are there to enable you, well that's a problem. I quoted you at length, because all you are actually saying is that you want robbing a bank to be easy for you. The mechanic of flagging a player for a crime represents all the unknown variables involved when you commit the act, variables that a game cannot simulate. Players who put time and effort into these enterprises will stand a much better chance than someone who's entire plan is 'kill anyone who see's me and I'll get away with it'.
It's amusing Sharshep that you keep saying that anyone who tries to stop a robbery basically deserves what they get, while at the same time you bemoan the fact that getting caught might be too easy. It'll be interesting to see how 'bad' you are on servers that impose real prison time for armed robbery or even the death penalty for murder. You do realize that all these hostages/police won't just be playing Identity to enable you right? Bank Robbery is a very difficult crime to commit with any degree of success (don't take my word for it check out the statistics) and that should be reflected in the game. Not ALL crimes need an eye witness either....I imagine you've heard of CCTV? There's a good reason why everyone isn't a criminal, and that's because it's very hard to be a successful one, and that's something Identity needs to reflect.
Easy answer, none of us know.
Not everyone can hear, and not everyone can speak. Yes there should be text chat.
No, that would be a spree killer, not a serial killer. What we are really talking about here is having some common sense. The single most important thing about role play in Identity will be balance, finding that balance between ordinary every day life, & high tension situations. Shootouts, robberies, murders etc are all very well and good, but just like anything else, if you over do something then it becomes mundane......it gets boring. Think of it this way: Most 'life; games I've seen do not really reflect life, they're more like watching CNN or any other news channel, killings, robberies,drug deals blah blah blah, when in reality most people can spend their entire lives without ever seeing a violent death. And yes, Identity is not real life, it's a game....fair enough, but then Identity should be about people living their dreams too, not just about creating nightmares. This should not have to be rocket science guys, in Identity you barely even have to role play, it's a modern day setting so you can really just be yourself, all you really have to do is 'pretend' to be in a different job......simple and basic CAN be just as effective, everything does not have to be over complicated to be good. Take me for example, I used to be a police officer in Britain, my best friend is also a cop but in America, & I always wondered what that was like......so in Identity I'm going to be......yup, a US Cop. Good role play needs reasoning, in short, if what you are doing does not, or will not, serve a story or enhance the server you are playing on, then don't do it. Other players are NOT in game to be used as pawns for your 'fun'....like in the example the OP gives, if it's not fun for both parties involved then you'll begin to loose players, and if that happens then you'll have no store owners, no cops, no truck drivers, no doctors, no medics, no airline pilots, no garbage collectors, no artists, no musicians,.....all you be left with will be the shooters. Identity could, and should, be more than cops and robbers but only we, the players, can make that happen.
The worst thing you can do is give them attention, because that's what it's all about. It really is as simple as 'ban them'.....that,s all it takes, and if there is no moderator around, put them on ignore. They WANT half the server to explode in chat.
I'm pretty sure that the majority of servers will have admins & moderators.
Sit down for a minute and consider the complexities of running/owning a server for Identity. We're talking about putting into place all the systems you'd need for a fully functioning US State IF (note the big if there) you want to take advantage of everything this game will offer. So a political system, all your emergency services.... Fire, Medical & Police, a functioning judicial system, prison service etc etc.....think about it, it's mind boggling. The scope for this game is enormous, huge, beyond anything we've seen to date. Or....you can rent a server and let people run around shooting each other. I know which one I'm aiming for.
There won't be any NPC's beyond things like those at cash registers in stores. They've been pretty tight lipped on the subject of relationships.
Well Devs have indicated that Prison will be a world within a world so to speak, so I imagine that it will be more than sitting in a cell, for it to actually mean anything however, it's going to take sentences longer than forty five minutes that's for sure.