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MauriceClinton last won the day on March 28 2018

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  1. [IPO] June 2018 Poll

    The Radical Democratic Left Party - Maurice Clinton
  2. What are types of government in Identity

    I think it is all possible. You can make the most communist city you evry want. The question is, if the people like it that way. But I think you can run every ideology in the city you want
  3. What are types of government in Identity

    Our Ideologies are Left Conservatism, Radical Democracy and Patriotism and that all together is Direct Democracy. We prefer a Presidential Political System, so that the Gouverneur is the Head of State and Head of Government of Identity Island.
  4. NEWS The Radical Democratic Left Party has now renamed itself the "Christian-Radical Democratic Patriotic Party" because many Christian and Patriotic tendencies in the party have risen higher. Despite all this, we continue to believe in radical democracy, democratic socialism and in the left conservatism. We will always fight for people's rights and work for them every day. It can be your victory so that you are no longer disadvantaged, fooled or fought. We don't want to give poverty a chance on Identity Island. Maurice Clinton will remain the candidate for the governorship, according to the party. Fight with us, be with us! Greetings, the CRDPP
  5. What guns do you want to see?

    The poster shows that a men or a women of the army, a police men/women and a worker are the same person in life. They work for their lives but the condition what they get for that, is really bad. Let us help all kind of workers, police men/women and so on. Let us fight for their and your rights in life. Is it understandable, for you. That simbolize the poster.
  6. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    Hello People. We, the Radical Democrats are back and we will continue our fight for the people, for the will and for the rights of the people. Follow us to victory and you will reign about all.
  7. What guns do you want to see?

    Everyone should have a weapon to protect their lives. Greetings Maurice Clinton (Radical Democratic Left Party)
  8. Time For A Debate

    Hey I would let him join. He may not be a politician, but a citizen who is also interested and if it were up to me I would give him the right to vote and a right to speak. That is Democracy. Let him join.
  9. Welcome to Identity

    Welcome to Identity On behalf of the Radical Democratic Left Party, I greet all new arrivals in Identity. I am very happy that you are here. I want to build a strong and reliable future for Identity with you. Opinions of the banks and riches I don't give a shit! The interests and ideas of you, of the people, are my favorite. We want to strengthen your will and your rights by going to the streets and fighting and voting us. This will be the beginning of the freedom of humanity and the absolute strengthening of your rights. Write me if you have something. Greetings Chairman and Candidat of the RDLP
  10. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    A new Anthem: "Märkische Heide" Vocal: Instrumental
  11. Time For A Debate

    I would join. Debates are pillars of democracy.
  12. The Issue with "The Podium".

    I don't believe that this is a problem. Er have in Germany over 20 parties and they run all for the election, so all the other little parties can stay and do their Work.
  13. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    How we stand to police and worker