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  1. Corruption ?

    I agree. If you want to be corrupt then do it on a private server. Official servers should be monitored closely for that since your getting paid to do a job. I do hope the chief is Admin or someone from the dev team.
  2. To the Devs

    lol amen to that brotha or we could be defense attorneys and challenge all the probable cause and 4th amendment violations lol
  3. Human Trafficking

    Well this type of stuff is realistic. If your that gullavle to believe it doesn't then you need to stop being a sheep.
  4. To the Devs

    3.5 years here!
  5. parole/probation system

    Oooh sorry I'm a republican
  6. Spike Strips

    There is always "legal intervention."
  7. parole/probation system

    Probation would be cool to see. Nothing detailed but just a minor extra function. Im sure people will look forward to going to jail with their partners in crime lol
  8. DMV and training

    Only problem is you will have training officers who might not know their head from their rear end when it comes to law enforcement. I suppose if the devs or admin could select these training officers that would be credible, but at that point you have to worry about favoritism. Like I said in an earlier post I hope there are checks and balances when it comes to government jobs such as LE, Fire,EMT...your most definitely going to have trolls in these slots. Hopefully these positions are regulated and enforced.
  9. parole/probation system

    I wouldn't recommend it be put in place now, but I figured it would be a cool aspect to see in the future where players have the option of bring placed on probation or bring released on parole. Most life mods in arma 3 allowed police officers to search a person and his vehicle from what I can recall.
  10. Will Sports be a Job?

    I have no interest in that, but I'm sure some houses might be able to accommodate something of that nature. Supposed to use your imagination right? Oh and by the way there will be houses not just apartments...
  11. parole/probation system

    Would be cool to see a parole or probation system. Something peace officers could grant to criminals instead of taking them to jail for petty misdemeanor crimes. Maybe the player stays on probation for a day or two which grants peace officers unlimited search terms? In the real world depending on if an arrest is made you are subject to consent before you can conduct a search of a person otherwise your in violation of their 4th amendment rights (excluding a search incident to arrest or probable cause). I think it would be cool to have a search function as a peace officer on a person and to be able to run people on your MDC to see if they are on parole or probation. I know in the state of California if a subject is on formal probation or parole we have absolute rights to search their person,vehicle, and residence. What are you guys' ideas?
  12. Will Sports be a Job?

    It would be rather easy to own a boxing gym. Just purchase a house and clean out the inside. Set up a ring with some chairs and your set.
  13. Police Thoughts

    Im hoping the server tracks individuals who assaul under the color of authority. That's the problem with every player being allowed access to this...Hopefully admin are tracking this to prevent trolls from making the game unrealistic. Officers transporting controlled substances and doing dumb should be prohibited. Lets hope there is a good IA or some type of checks and balances implemented into the law enforcement role.