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About Vayle

  • Birthday 09/08/1990

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  1. AhhhhhiiiiII’mmmm very excited

    that's how I felt the moment I saw the game hehe
  2. Greetings to all!

    Welcome welcome!
  3. That would be cool though...specially the possible proper business behind the facade ?? thanks for the answers, you're awesome!
  4. Heya, my question might seem strange... just haven't seen ans Topic on my matter yet. Ok so: Will it be possible to own a "Stripclub", yet without nudity I guess since Sex in Game is not possible if I informed myself correctly
  5. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    The screenshots look really awesome!
  6. I'm shy, please come say hi

    Thank you ^^
  7. I'm shy, please come say hi

    Good day to you all~ The name's Vayle and I am, as all of you surely are, eager to become a part of this community and of course I cannot wait to play the game My plan in game? Tis to bring joy to everyone's eyes and maybe ears too Other than that I just started reading about Identity and surely it is taking a lot of my time (in a good way!!) and I'd love to read more and watch more videos. Still learning so much! In previous years I have played many different game genres, but mostly stuck with RP games. What brought me to Identity was a friend whom I met in Second Life. There my RP happened more by typing combat/normal actions etc. or even just chatting via voice. With that said, I haven't touched any game on a PC for a long time. Now that I've seen Identity, I wish nothing more but to play! Once I can I hope to see and hear of you guys! Can't wait xoxox