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  1. Cartel del infierno

    una alianza seria lo mejor, 2 carteles trabajando junto, en la alianza esta el poder! Saludos.
  2. IDENTITY'S Criminal EMPIRE ( I,C,E )

    oh and we love to cook italian Ducks
  3. IDENTITY'S Criminal EMPIRE ( I,C,E )

    Dear Flying Duck Your interest is not on my spelling which i found a couple spelling mistake on yours like '' Arguement " you placed it twice or more. ummmm has much to say of a person correcting somebody else XD. or maybe your " goverment " accepts your NOT perfect spelling at all. my GOVERNMENT does not.! it looks like your lack of interest in my opinion is just not worth the writing. first i do not care whatsoever about your Gang or fake publicity, i'm doing my own thing which is better for you to find out. second your italian family name which i don't care about, to me sounds shitty and for what we will do when we cross thro other Gangs or shitty family wannabe gangsters is for you to find out. be offended by everything i post i really don't care :* We will meet soon in identity sincerely: Your GOD FATHER
  4. You a Trinitario ,Blood , Crips , Latin King or Dominican Dont play Ganster.? Welcome to I.C.E (Identity's Criminal Empire , We controling the streets and the politics, We controlling Identity, if you like to rob banks,Comercial local businesses, selling drugs (drug driver,seller,collector),kidnapping, hitman, underground ilegal MMA fighter, YOU have to keep this community topic on your favorite topic cause this exactly is what's gonna go DOWN! no worries if you go to jail we have people in the identity Jail that would take care of you if we desire, Need money ? We can lend you to start up, we can give you the best illegal jobs, we sponsor upcoming Rappers, we having and hosting the best NIGHTLIFE parties at are own HideOuts, We will have the Best Clubs where u gonna see identity strippers , GoGo identity Dolls , Identity Dj's , Live artist and bunch of cool things like crazy meetings, best Car and Motorcycle Races and a bunch more.... Remember This topic and Remember The name, You might have a Free pass in the I,C,E ...
  5. oohh and i'll have the best Club and nightlife in the game, some strippers GOGO DOLLS and everything would be alright
  6. Same Idea, i'm gonna create the biggest criminal gangster empire with some corrupt police and politicians by my side laundering my money, hiring people to rob banks and private comercial businesses, kidnapping important people, selling drugs and weapons, being private bodyguards for the politicians, taking over the Racing community,Underground Street Fights, Boxing and MMA Bidding, hiring famous rappers in my group.!!
  7. Money is money lol you can get a lot of money with just selling a good fighter to a pro management MMA group. they can come from the underground fight club
  8. Wouldn't it be cool to able to pass by a city basketball court and play a 1 on 1 or maybe host a slam dunk contest ,freestyle and tournaments on urban basketball courts, what about visiting a Gym and learning how to box and go on a boxing career as an athlete or just go backyard street fighting for money what do you think about going to the beach and find a cool surfing competition while you enjoy a great beach party.? or how about heading to the snow mountains and renting or buying yourself a snowboard with all the equipments and just having fun with friends going up and down the mountain or chilling at the top drinking some hot coco while you watch the snowboard freestyle competition LIVE! what do you think about walking around the city and finding some cool people doing tricks in a skate park doing crazy flips on their skateboard,bikes,roller blades and been able to tune them. i'm going more extreme now after looking at the leaked map, what about being able to buy a motocross or atv and fulfill your extreme sports career like doing offroad races , becoming the king of the mountain, going extremely fast thro the forest... just some good ideas for the developers.!
  9. I Know they aren't accepting planes because they don't want childish behavior on aircrafts or people flying over from point A to Point B fast, but what about if they make a only pilot License flying permission like with a "You can't fly no more" slip if you use childish behavior or use the planes wrongly. just some ideas for the developers. it would be amazing to give air tours around IDENTITY World and Sea, what about the crazy police chase? you will need police with helicopters and news reporters.
  10. it would be cool though if they start with small planes that can transport people to small islands like i mentioned.
  11. it could be useful to let them know how cool it can be for people that love those topics, they can gain a big community out of real pilots that would just log in to test flight and teach other users. if they are developing a real life open world game i think they should go for that. Always better to think big!!
  12. Career & Becoming a IDENTITY Star: Lets say your in to been a Dj,Musician,Artist and want the entire community to buy your new mixtape, find a manager to get you in clubs ,earn money by gigs , sell your music, promote yourself, make a living and become a star that everybody in that community wants to hire. Creating a Family & Marriage: Let's say you meet a IDENTITY user that you like and want to share most of your time and earnings, move in together adopt other users as brothers sisters (family member) MAke a mafia type family or a normal family that lives in a big house and have the same earnings out the family business company. get married make a big wedding and invite users, hire a priest if it's by Religious Church, Promote your big wedding, give your last name to your wife, get divorce, split 50 - 50% , hire a attorney, be unfaithful , have drama, etc... Pets: Be able to buy Dogs & Cats and train them in useful ways like for the theifs that want to enter your home,for the police officers (DEA) in search of drugs,Urban Dog Fights , buy 2 dogs make them, create a puppys and sell them on the market with special abillitys gain by training... Birds,fish (you can buy a fish tank and fish your own fish or buy) , horses, buy high class racing horses and bid on them. go to the wild ,place traps and hut wild animals ,make a zoo and show off your luxury animals , sell them on internet , make a living out of Identity Animals. Gym : imagine having a Daily routine , make your IDENTITY user sim Fit. create your own gym where you can interact with other users about Real healthy eating and best workout routine. sorry just expanding my imagination of what this project can turn out to be.!! Thank you for reading .!!
  13. What do you think of making an airport with Real flight schools where you have to gane a licence to fly or cruise around or legal fishing and a flight agency where you can learn how to be a pilot and simulate flying over to different airports around the Identity world, let's say you open up a little land where you can only access by private small planes and yachts and big boats. small tourist land where you go to shop and host legal fishing competitions, big beach parties. rent villas on the beach , something like Saint Tropez,ibiza,etc.. someplace where you will have to work hard to get there, become a millionaire and buy your own private plane,contrat a pilot that has different licenses like for transporting you on teresteral and water vehiculs and also be a bodyguard. so many open ideas for this project.