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Everything posted by Alex77

  1. As LuckyDuck said bodies of police cant be looted,we have to trust him because he is a mod and knows more than we do. hope in the future in private server could change this future.
  2. As i know there will be a dedective,fbi,secret service,something like that in identity. i dont think you are able to steal from police,even if you kill a police unit.I really hope this will change in the future to be more realistic.
  3. Spike Strips

    The most times police will know where the suspect is heading from the other officers that chasing the suspect. etc first of all you have to buy spike strips from the police armory in the station after that put it in the boot of the crusier,and when you want to use it open the boot off the crusier and put it to the road,but you or other officer have to warning the other drivers that there is a spike strips in the road.
  4. Casino's

    Everything should looted from dead bodies cops too,government vehicles cant be stolen too..i hope in private servers we could change those unrealistic things. You mean you will play to private servers.
  5. At 7:00 this is what i was talking about,(you cant understand the dispatch because its in greek lanuage) but this officer got his radio open he could have close and use ear pices but he likes when have it open,
  6. Of course you can! let me invite you!
  7. Casino's

    Dead bodies of police officers cant be looted and has ben confirmed,so you cant raid houses because there is a safe zone,okay respectful,but in private servers admin should decide if he want to keep this zones or not,if not then raids should be exists. this is my opinion,that every admin should decide to keep safe zones or not,dont know what are they going to do in officials.
  8. hahaha yeah,what career are you thinking to do when the game be released? (btw if you want we can talk through pm because the title of this thread is police radio haha )
  9. I think something like Gta v,animation of players when get hit by stun gun be like gta v.
  10. hahaha that was good one
  11. Exactly etc if you see a suspicious person standing all the time next you then you should close the radio and wear ear pieces.
  12. Yeah true,here in Greece where i live the most of police officers have the radio open(include me) and i like the sound of radio thats why i have it open and some citizens stand next to me to hear the sound effect of radio haha i would like to see and other option when we are busy to close the radio so we cant hear the dispatch. and when we will be on again turn it on.
  13. This is what exactly i am talking about and wants to see in this game! thank you! but would love to see the option to choose for the radio open radio (citizen can hear what dispatch saying to me) close radio (citizens cant hear what dispatch saying to me)
  14. Traffic Stops

    as a police officer we rarely stop for check trucks,only at checkpoint we stop everyone,you dont have to afraid anything if you dont have drugs in the truck haha just follow the instructions like Runnincode said.
  15. I am really disappointed for this too!
  16. In real life citizens can hear the dispatch when talking to the officers if they are near. Officer have the choice to wear ear pieces or not.
  17. Can every police officer customization police vehicles?(change lightbars,bumpers,sirens,interior lights,etc..)
  18. i am 20 years old. Good for you that you can recognize if its ems,police or fire dept,sure you react different if a police responding or ems responding but all that we have to do is pull over to help them!
  19. Didnt understand it very well haha,so people can hear only the police officer that talking to the dispatch/officers through the radio? and they cant hear when dispatch talks to the officer right?
  20. I dont mean the conversation,i mean the sound that radio makes when officer talk i mean 0.26, 1.45,2.11 i mean this noise if citizen could hear them too!(hope so)
  21. Thanks for the clear answer! btw police dept talking using police codes like 10-4(copy) so its hard for citizens to know about police codes,and i dont see the problem when a citizen is near to a police officer and hear the conversations ,when officers talking through the radio can citizens hear the sound of the radio too?
  22. The most American police dept using for crusier: 1.Ford Explorer 2.Ford Crown 3.Chevrolet Impala 4.Chevrolet Tahoe 5.Dodge Charger 6.Ford interceptor Vans: 1.Chevrolet Express 2500/3500 2.Ford E Series. Sorry if i forget something between crusiers and vans.
  23. Police,Fire dept,ems using different styles of vehicles,lightbars,and sirens too,how could you not recognize what emergency service you have 100m behing of you(and i am not talking only for you but to everyone)
  24. No one country using more than 6-7 different vehicles for crusiers and vans,but chief of police can choose what police vehicles should be look like in real life. se he decides. but true i agree that police officer shouldn't be allowed to customize vehicles but only the highest rank of police (chief). When vehicle got skin,lightbar,lights can be recognize from the citizen that this is a police vehicle. When you see a vehicle that have lightbar police skins you cant say that this is not a police veh.
  25. I mean the citizen could hear what you saying and what they said to you in max 5 meters next to you, not bigger distance. here in Greece most of cops not using ear pieces. so if you want to keep your conversations privacy then use it. i dont have problem if people next to me can hear my the best solution is if we could choose to wear it or not. @LuckyDuck