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  1. Everybody is Freaking out About Identity.

    Scrolling through the forums for more than five minutes guarantees you numerous posts about how, "Identity will never happen," or questions like "the Town Square module has taken too long, does that mean the other modules will too?" Now I will admit these questions and concerns sometimes come with viable grounds yet a majority of them are wrongfully stated being only based off of personal opinion or rumors. HOWEVER, many people tend to overthink the reasoning behind the potential delays and INSTANTLY jump to this being a hoax and a way to steal peoples money. Now, I believe these developers are rightfully delaying the game and although it does bring up questions, it has good reasoning behind the delay. Many of you are just consumers: buy a game, play it, rate it, get bored of it and buy another, but there are also games out there that you tend to revert back to when nothing on the market is interesting and those are the games that when you picked them up and played them the first time, your expectations were not only met, but exceeded. What does that have to do with anything, you might ask? Simple. The developers know that in our largely online world, first impressions are key. With all the, "first look," and the "Review" YouTube videos, they know that the first impression of their game is going to be a deciding factor on whether they get 1,000 dedicated players, or 100,000. Many people largely rely upon the opinion of some YouTubers on whether or not they purchase games and these people would never even consider Identity if the YouTubers go on and on about the bugs and issues with the game if it were to be released too early, or even complain that the game itself wasn't even ready to be released and thus criticize the dev's as money craving individuals. That being said, I believe the developers of this game are rightfully delaying the release so that our initial experience is positive, and memorable rather than getting into a game and ripping into countless hours of work because we can't even take the elevator to the correct room. NOW ON THE CONTRARY to what I have said above, I do believe the developers owe us some sort of apology to giving us dates, and then pulling them right out of our grasp and letting us down. I have followed this game for a while now, and made an account just over a year ago (I believe, maybe it is just under? but either way that's beside the point.) and the one thing the dev's have been consistent in is telling us a release date, and then extending said date. That being said, I do believe they owe us at least something and should own up to their mistakes in planting high hopes only to remove them and tell us to wait longer. In conclusion, however, I do believe they are doing good work and that this game is going to be one hell of a game given the people behind it, and the potential of exploring a, more or less, new idea for a game. On paper, this game is no doubt going to be one of the best games upon full release, and the dev's I believe are doing their best to see to it and have a game that competes with even the top game developing companies. So in the end, they are doing the best we can and as a community we should at least credit them that instead of bashing the work they wake up to do daily. But going with that, they do owe us some sort of an apology or explanation that furthers what they've said instead of vague terms used to tell us the game is, "close." Thanks for reading this, It only took me about ten minutes to type but it's what I more or less believe. They're doing what they can with what they have, and being such a small team they're doing really well.
  2. Can we please have some honesty and transparency?

    Not true at all. TS is the first module that will be released, yes, HOWEVER they haven't spent this entire time working solely on the town square module, rather implementing and building the framework required for all the other modules, and thus, the game. They have said it themselves that the TS module will be the longest time to wait as they are doing the foundation work for the entire game before releasing and after TS release they expect the other modules to come faster. Think about it... Town Square is by far the most intensive module out of all of them as it requires the entire foundation of the game to be made in order to be released in working order. While on the other hand, the SWAT or racing module only require to build off of that major framework set down by the TS module in order to work.
  3. Some questions

    This would be nice.
  4. PlayerUnknown's Battleground

    How do you get that bottom part? Idk how to add it
  5. PlayerUnknown's Battleground

    I play it a lot, only won twice though. Pretty good game imo
  6. New Lawyer in Town

    Well then at least I have one customer. Maybe I will represent you, and you'll leave me a review on Welp.
  7. New Lawyer in Town

    HELLO FELLOW IDENTITY CITIZENS! While reading up on the job postings and such, I have stumbled upon an interesting job, and decided I will set up shop with this as one of my primary operations. What is it? Well, the title says it all. I will be a private lawyer for hire! "Oh boy, another guy looking to get rich of the misfortunes of others." That is incorrect! I will be doing this as a deed to the community, and my services will always be *SLIGHTLY* cheaper than any other lawyer in town. Competition. WHAT MAKES ME "BETTER" THAN THE OTHERS? Well, that's an easy task to overcome. We can all boast that we are the, "best lawyer in the business," however professionalism and natural skill is all that makes a lawyer. You might have the highest paid lawyer cover your case, however the one who knows his loopholes can easily make a fool of him. I'm not asking for you to support my business, however I am indeed asking for you to give me a ring if you fall into any situation that may require a lawyer. GREAT, YOU HAVE A FIRM, WHAT'S IT EVEN CALLED? My firm will be named, "Identity Crisis." Why? Because if you're calling a lawyer, you are clearly in a crisis. Also, the name is pretty catchy. WELL DIDN'T YOU APPLY TO BE A PART OF AEGIS SECURITY? Of course! However, who says I cannot protect your life, literally, while also turning around to protect your very investments and holdings?! WELL UH, WHAT TYPE OF CRIMES AND OR DISPUTES WILL YOU SETTLE? I am willing, and able, to defend (or prosecute) any and all disputes. Did your grandmother break into your house to bake you some cookies, but stumbled upon your stash of meth? I will defend that she had no right WHAT SO EVER to be in your house! What about your brother? Did he rob a bank, and conveniently use your car as the getaway vehicle? Well we can turn around and sue him all of his, "earnings" for grand theft auto! All in all, just give me a call if you're in a pickle. I'll be waiting at the phone... Patiently... Please do call, I need the business... Please? Regards, Sam
  8. ♛ - Aegis Security Consulting - Best Private Security ♛

    Applied to Aegis. Hope to hear back within a good time frame!
  9. I was thinking on an idea, and a realistic job for my character: a landlord. Do you think we would be able to per say buy an apartment and rent it out to other players? That would add a good way to earn some cash on the side of your main job, especially if you get multiple apartments, and such. .. Just curious though.
  10. SWAT is the most outfitted for riots, unless they're going to give regular police officers access to riot gear.
  11. Next Dev Blog

    all a dev blog really needs to be is a "- (insert what they have finished, or started)" - finished interior of x building - finished modeling y - started interior of z building Dev blogs do a lot to both help the dev's, and keep people interested/updated. They could also throw in a checklist so they know what else there is that should be done, etc etc. That's my opinion on them, at least.
  12. Hello from America!

    Hi new neighbors and fellow citizens! Anyhow my name is Sam, short for Samuel yet everybody I know calls me Sam. I am 17 (Role Play age around 24). After going to college and majoring in Computer Programming, I double minored with Criminal Justice and Business Statistics. Throughout my years I have walked the scarred deserts of Altis, the lush jungles of Tanoa (Arma 3), the scarred battlefields where wars were fought and either won, or lost throughout history (Battlefield 3, 4, & 1). I've visited the highest peaks of the Himalayas, and the lowest valleys in the South American rain forests, along with virtually everywhere in between. Aside from my adventurous life, I tend to live a relatively simple, or confined life where I only reach out of my circle of friends, or acquaintances when absolutely necessary. I am excited to embark on a new journey in this world called Identity, and eagerly await whatever comes my way, whether I live off the change of the passerby on the street corner, run a multi-million dollar industry, or if its when i'm hitting the next biggest target off the map in an attempt at assassination. My life holds no straight path, and I am willing and able to do whatever is necessary to survive. Friends, however will be key to the success of myself, as no rich man rises to the top by himself. We can work together, and join hands whether it's to lead the Bratva into war, or the local police force into the next big drug bust. Or, maybe, we will bounce ideas off of each other to manipulate stocks prices (assuming they're in the game) to make the most profit, while leaving everybody behind in the trail of our own success. So, I myself will do what it takes to survive, or live the up-beat life of a good ole citizen. I am eager to meet anybody who knocks on my door. Regards, Sam