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  1. Npcs

    Sure some streets will feel a bit empty (some times) but(!) you will not have to think of NPCs that don't do what they should (move over when the police/medic/fire fighters come etc). And you always know that when you see someone it is a real player that you can interact with. Also this is how Altis life on Arma 3 works, and that is one of the most fun gamemodes I have ever played.
  2. A Military Base?

    Why would there be any military?
  3. So what do you want this game to be? I mean if you remove all the careers then what are we supposed to do in game?
  4. 1. There won't be any airplanes. 2. If people just are going to play other game why even bother to play this game? People want this game for multiple reasons, but one of them is to RP with other people. If you just want a truck driving sim then play a truck driving sim. If you have players just playing different games then what is the point of this game?
  5. Militia

    You will probably be able to cause some damage to the government but the police will stop you long before you are able to take over. That and if it is hard coded that the government is chosen by letting players vote (which is the smart solution) then you are absolutely not able to do it.
  6. Corporation/Business Properties

    1. Think so. 2. Don't know. But I think so. 3. If I'm not wrong you will not be able to own the skyscrapers. 4. Don't know if we have any information about this yet. 5. Probably. I don't see why not.
  7. Military? Nation Guard?

    Just no.
  8. Planes ( hear me out)

    No! That would just take up unnecessary resources form the server..
  9. More npcs

    My experience from Altis Life (about 80-100 players on the same area) says that having 200-300 players on the island will be enough. Most players are going to be gathered at some important places (cities, good hunting places etc.). Which make the game feel full of people.
  10. Chatting

    As the guys (and girl) said above it would more or less be impossible to censoring the voice chat. Text chat in the other hand could be possible.
  11. Racing

    The thing with street racing is that it more or less should be illegal (according to me at least). With that said I am quite sure that there is a few people here that is going to organise it any way (myself included).
  12. Join the shoutbox here!

    Aha. Well count me in
  13. Join the shoutbox here!

  14. My idea is that the driver of any emergency vehicle can decide to use a few different sounds while out on a call to get people to move out of the way. Same with lights (mainly for the police though) as they will need to be able to tell people if they want them to move out or the way or to stop by the side of the road.
  15. Ambulances

    Different ambulances.. For me those seems to be more or less the same.. I would like some of these.