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  1. Other Timelines??

    i suppose it was i just had no idea about it lol
  2. Toxstyx Gmod Mafia RP

    Ohh thanks Reminds me of mafia 1
  3. Langston Family / Dark Ace Mafia

    Do You Guys Offer Protection Of Companies And How Much Is The Protection Money Fee you Guys Need
  4. Other Timelines??

    Well I Recently Finished playing The First Mafia Game And i Thought Hmm Maybe Identity could Have Different Timelines Such As 1920's 2017 and even the Cold War Hence Maybe They Could Add It in Or Maybe Someone could Mod It Anyways Imagine Seeing A 1920's themed RPG Game Inside Identity With Old Time Cars Eh? As Well As More Guns From 1920'S And Even Better A Better Excuse For More Mafia Ey? And Well Maybe We Could Go Forward In Time In Futuristic Sci fi Cars Lazer Blasters Etc Or maybe Like WW2 Era I suppose Under an occupied teritorry that would be cool to have mp's as the regular cops
  5. Hitmen For Hire

    Thanks I used to rp in darkrp by being a merc
  6. How deep will the ocean be?

    I Would really like to see Things that came from arma 3 Implemented Into Identity Such As Wreck Excavation Also That Would be a Great Idea But Would Cause Immense Amounts Of NPC Fish Swimming around
  7. lol this is a joke/serious answer this is basically GMOD Darkrp Without 7 year olds who use their parents money to get good guns And No Minges as well
  8. Should The 15$ Pledgers Be Able To Play the modules

    U guys do realize that The Modules are actually Alpha And What the Founder's pack says Beta Acess is included in it and i have a feeling that the 15$ pledgers Will be able To Play It Because according to a question i read on the forum It says that the module servers will be up until full game release also @Venger10 U know that what the 30$ pledge is for the beta right the closest thing to the full game Also According to luckyduck if the townsquare module has been release and you are a 15$ pledger you just have to pay what remains
  9. Should The 15$ Pledgers Be Able To Play the modules

    Its The Principle That The 15$ backers Should Be Able To Use The Modules Because The Servers Of The Modules Are Up Until The Release Of The Full Game And That The 30$ and above backers Have Beta acess I Fell Like The 15$ backers should have acess to the modules beacuse they are a pre alpha
  10. Ii really want as a 15$ pledger to play the modules its unfortunate that I can only scrape up 15$ before the Town square is released So Modules please

    Oh Lol Thanks For Pointing That Out Sorry

    Your actually Correct Because I See No Point In Rust and it was stupid for gary newman to quit GMOD Even though it was his best Selling game yet But your a Monster If You Say That Banning OPENIV Is Good and refreshing to see you monster! -Dont mean to be rude im just stating my case -warzor wesumi
  13. Module Size and min Specs

    Lol some i3s Are Actually as Good as their i5 Counterparts Like an Intel core i3 6100

    Sorry Lol this company is closed