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Everything posted by dolore

  1. Controlled Choas

    @NutterButter I think Motown confirmed if you are the governor you can legalize marijuana.
  2. Controlled Choas

    I think the governor would have choice over the smaller things that go on like taxes and the admins will have control on the big laws or nation laws that the governor cant change. It would also be cool to see some type of election to see if the people want a law imposed by the governor or not.
  3. How does jailtime work?

    The max jail time should increase but only by a small amount like 1-3 hours, that way having a trail has stronger impact on wanting to win and not loose. I also think if a officer pulls over a person who has been to prion or jail they should be able to see the the total amount time they have spent.
  4. Getting account all set up, cant wait to get to work!