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  1. Dev Blog #008

    I honestly can't say why people think that. I've seen some solid evidence that it's progressing.
  2. Dev Blog #008

    I would go so far as to say if the Dev blogs are detrimental to efficiency, to not do them. I enjoy Identity and I support it, but many, say it won't become a thing. I wish it to be, as these Kickstarter funds are 50/50. But the team seems solid.
  3. Dev Blog #008

    A great sum of money, aye. Does this mean faster development for identity?
  4. Looking For Coders and Such For A Private Server.

    I also assumed a coder could edit in additional things, additional features, if you will. I assume all bets are off on that? And yes, A panel is easier to access!
  5. Looking For Coders and Such For A Private Server.

    Well, what a wonderful turn of events! Appreciate the info.
  6. After doing some scrounging around on the forums, I have noticed a few things I'd like to change, with a private server. A few of those things, Corruption, Police Force ranks and how they're granted. These aren't all, but a few of the things that could change for the better part of realism. I may have a buddy able to host the server, and the funds to keep it running more than likely. I have the time to write documents, rules, guidelines, training SOP's. Everything that would need written, I can do it. But, a coder, that I don't have. I never took the initiative to learn. I think, with a Teamspeak sever (Depending on how In-Game voice works) and a good coder, a strong focus on roleplay, we could make a strong server for everyone to enjoy. Please, PM me with someone you might know, or yourself. Details not mentioned here could be discussed further, and I assure you, there's plenty left untouched. *Edit* Trying to figure out the language Identity is coded in. Standby.
  7. Corruption ?

    Corruption, albeit realistic, could be detrimental to the players. Corruption should be subtle, if anything, silently working from the shadows to feed his/her agenda. How most people would handle it, I imagine it would be a disaster. Random killings, outrageous jail times. Etc. (Although, the confirmed max is 45 minutes.) My point however, is corruption without an outlying guideline, would be a disaster.
  8. Gentlemen, I am able to write SOP's for the police force, train cadets, etc. I'm not looking for a high rank, I'll work that way on my own. Merely, a chance to assist in the development of the police force, as I have prior experience. Mainly Military. Anything that could need doing, I could do it. Observation on new cadets to the police force, etc. Now, I'm just spit balling here. Not much on this has been explained, but the chance to assist and write documents for the force, is an chance I'd like to seize. Regards, Santiago
  9. Realism Unit

    Training Documents for the Police Department should be made as well. Probation periods for the officer's 'Realism' should be placed as well. I don't think we should have officers running amuck that sound twelve. ( I know the game is rated 18+, but so are plenty of other games.)