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Everything posted by Genesai

  1. Hello From Canada !!!

    Welcome! Even though we've met before in The Precinct.
  2. Hello everybody!

    Welcome Emma! The EMT is a noble choice of profession! Hope you'll do well!
  3. Good Evening from America

  4. Police Applications

    My pleasure. I also feel private servers will be more your thing in any case.
  5. Court and careers

    Jury Duty will not be mandatory if you get selected. You have the option to refuse to go (unlike real life) and the game will continue searching for other people. I believe it will indeed be range based and it will start inner and search wider out if necessary.
  6. Will Identity be available on MAC?

    The lesson here: Read the FAQ's first.
  7. Police Applications

    @General_Reece_Fel Please read the FAQ's, or at least browse these The Precinct subforums. They are littered with information concerning recruitment on public and private servers. We've answered this question on multiple occasion in the past month, and in great detail if I may add. Please, just look around a bit. Also:
  8. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    As shown to us during the stream on the 24th of August of 2017. Barbershop concept art. There will be multiple version of interiors of barber shops across the island. But THIS will be the one we'll get to see in the Town Square module. Work In Progress! (default will be black, this one has issues still, brown zippers anyone?)
  9. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    As shown on the stream of 23rd of August 2017. New car-shader (metallic) - Low resolution screenshot (in-game editor).
  10. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    As seen on the stream of the 22nd of August 2017. Self explanatory floor plans. (Pledge rewards) Double and single bed.
  11. But they won't. Officers who are eligible (worked their way up in their career), will be called in to get into SWAT gear and will only serve temporarily as SWAT officers. After that, they return to the station and get back into normal cop outfit or get into their civilian clothes and call it a day. And there won't be police backup during those interventions. I'm unsure however, if cops arrive at a scene first before SWAT gets called in, or if SWAT gets called in automatically. But in any case, this is how it will be in Identity. @Villasenor No DEA. @ everyone else: SWAT will NOT go on (body)guard duties, and especially not for some overrated politicians. SWAT does what SWAT does, deal with severe situations. Nothing more. Even their armored truck will be driven by AI. No actual player will be able to drive it manually, so it won't and cannot be abused in any way. An AI driver will get you there, and back.
  12. hello folks i'm new

  13. That's one of those questions where you really ought to read around a bit and perhaps try the nifty search function. There are so soo soooo much details out there about this very subject (a big part of Identity) out here on the forums and the video.
  14. Police Structure

    There's no recruitment on official public servers. Anyone can be a police officer. On private servers admins will be able to change recruitment requirements of course. I could reply on every single question you've asked, or remark you've made, but it seems most of these things have been discussed in detail before, and/or are answered in the police FAQ. (The ONE pinned thread in The Precinct forum). Besides that most other threads in this forum are about the subjects you've asked. Look around first. Read. Read some more. Use search. After that be sure to read a bit more. Then ask questions. Trust me, you'll know nearly anything you need to know by reading around.
  15. 89%

    We're 2/3 along the way of 2017. That's not almost 2018. And we won't even be getting beta until early 2018 I'm estimating at this point. Mind you there's even 3 modules to be released first. Nah, we're way off the full release. Sad there's no other games to play to fill the gap. Oh wait ...
  16. Hello

    Welcome! How much did you pledge though? You went for $30 pledge to get access to the alpha modules and the beta when they are released?
  17. England is genuinely my city

    Welcome England!
  18. Hey from Scotland!

    Welcome. Bet that acting will come in handy in a roleplaying game.
  19. Hello from Ireland

    A warm welcome! And yep, just add another $15 and you'll get upgraded.
  20. These have been answered before. There's no karma level as far as I know. You do have a trackrecord in the police database. I'm not sure if that ever gets erased. I hope not. In real life that doesn't happen either, or not very easily. If you served your time and paid your fine, that's ok. But there should still be a record of it. For future references. But your infamy will reset after the fine/jail time. Yes you'll be able to have multiple characters on your account. I for one plan on having one in prison for 24-7.
  21. Motor Cops

    @MrEngie It's been confirmed on last night's stream. There will be cop bikes, so in that extent there will be motorpolice.
  22. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    As seen on the stream of 08.16.'17 Trench coat which goes with the boots posted earlier. Bad clipping since the coat kinda sticks out.
  23. deleted

    The video is supposed to be released before the next dev blog. (Dev Blog #009). But we'll see. There's still a way to go until that next blog.
  24. Pilot

    @AnPlayz PLEASE edit your poll as I've asked you before. I'm here to help. If you add another option to the SECOND poll option like this: 2. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? Around 30 minutes Around 60 minutes Around 15 minutes I voted NO See the difference? I'll be able to vote then. Now your voting is only biased on yes, and people voting no cannot vote at all. I'm unsure how I can make this clearer to you besides actually coming over to your place and doing it for you.