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Everything posted by Genesai

  1. Will Sports be a Job?

    The discussion went about the luxury version of that apartment. Not whether or not people get two bedroom apartments. We know they do. The person who asked me about it asked if the one in the customization video is the luxury version or not of that two bedroom apartment. And it's not. It's the normal version. The version get for the $500 pledge. Your info is correct, but you totally missed the ball on the subject at hand. No harm done.
  2. stock market

    So you're asking if you could be a broker? Well I wouldn't know to be honest. I know quite a bit of what we can expect, but I haven't run into information concerning a stock market and brokers. Or not that I can recall at least. Perhaps use the search function up top to the right?
  3. size of the map

    Roughly 200 KMĀ². As to what the actual dimensions are I have no clue. It's an island, round-ish.
  4. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Aug 29th 2017. Much better.
  5. stock market

    So you mean investors. Who actually control the board of directors.
  6. Why? You live in a mansion now and you want to downgrade to see how it is like?
  7. Hi! I'm Seth!

    Welcome! Lucky you! Some of the members here have been waiting for years now, and you get to skip all that!
  8. Hey everyone

    Welcome! Be a bit patient and we all will get what we want.
  9. Escort service

    It won't be an official career or job though. But you can RP it for sure.
  10. Soon...

  11. Add me on steam!

    I made the same topic in this sub-forum. Please look around first or use the search function. In this case neither was really necessary. It's on the same page of your thread. So all you needed to do was look around just a tiny little bit.
  12. Release DATE????

    There you go. Expect is the key word here. That's not a guarantee. Ever. It's an expectation. That's a whole different cup of tea.
  13. Taxi Driver.

    You'll have this option. Same with bus drivers. You'll be able to choose your rate (fare) as a taxi driver if you work on your own, or your if you work for a taxi company the boss will chose the rate (fare) and you'll get paid hourly most likely. The same works for bus drivers. You pick your route(s) and ticket prices if you own a bus. Or your boss will choose those if you work for a company. You'll get paid hourly most likely. Do mind if you want to start your own bus company, you will need to get licensed for that, and on top of that: you'll need to buy a bus. Those will not be cheap. $80k to $100k would not be unimaginable. With taxi there might be Uber-ish options, but of that I'm not aware myself. Someone else will have to confirm or debunk that one.
  14. Casual game suggestions?

    Very casual: Bejeweled 3 Little Inferno Poker Night 2 Casual: Space Engineers (or Medieval Engineers) Rising World Rock Of Ages Kill The Bad Guy
  15. Difficult stealth paths for bank heists "Gaming Hour will now be on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday @ 4:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST. Monday's and Friday's Gaming Hours will be spent hard at work on Identity, as we get closer to Town Square release!"
  16. Difficult stealth paths for bank heists

    "We'll try to make it as close to Payday as we possible can, MMO wise." This was said on this evening's stream regarding bank robberies. There was a mutual agreement on the stream that Payday is a fun game. And I have to agree. Both of the games. Even though they are money hungry with their DLC. Edit: I don't know how they can make it close to Payday if there are no guards.
  17. Release DATE????

    Tomorrow, on Friday the 25th there will be a new dev blog posted. This was confirmed on this evening's stream. That blog will feature an update of how they see where they are, etc. Also the new office they have, and stuff like that. Also game related info, of course. With a blog like that, you can estimate yourself how long you'll think it will take them. They'll refrain from giving estimates regarding release dates now and in the future. They've made that mistake before in the past, but will never again. So I suggest you read the upcoming dev blog several times over, and make your own conclusions. I believe that's the safest way.
  18. Identity Twitch Channel

    The new video will be here very soon. It's nearly done now. Tomorrow Friday the 25th there will be a dev blog (confirmed on the stream this evening). They also confirmed the video won't be done prior to that, but it will come soon after. It will also feature Meth Cooks. Erm... I meant Meth Chefs. (sorry about that). I'm curious in any case.
  19. Religious Items of clothing.

    Though politics will be a big part of Identity. Even if you aren't into it, you'll be confronted with it. Tax rates, bylaws, etc. But I suppose there won't be any "real" left or right wing parties. Not in the racial sense anyway. That wouldn't take with Asylum or the majority of the citizens. Or anyone with common sense. Religion is touchy though. Allowing some outfits, like for nuns, would mean allowing anything else religious wise. In this case it's all or nothing. Going mid-way would be treading dangerous waters. So I suggest the devs think deeply about this. I'm not a religious person, and I couldn't care what happens either way. But I do feel (maybe as an outsider) that religious people can get quite angered not so much if misrepresented or underrepresented, but more so if unequally represented.
  20. game download

    They have even claimed they'd love to be able to port to consoles. So as others said before: they will look into it. But this NOT a promise there will actually be ports. I can say for certain there won't be a PS 5 port though. Unless Identity takes soooooooooo long to develop the PS5 is out. And damn, I just googled it. There are rumors of a 2018 release of the PS5 itself. But that would be weird. It would have been at least been hinted on during E3 this year. And yes I know he made a typo.
  21. Haha, I did. From my 18th birthday until right after my 22nd. That's near a decade ago now, but I still think back fondly to those days. :')
  22. What up.

    Welcome. You've slipped in alright.
  23. I'm New

    Welcome Sim. The FAQs will indeed give you a lot of welcome information!
  24. Just a new starter

  25. Hey All

    Welcome in any case!