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Everything posted by Genesai

  1. How much did you pledge?

    I should have known the old Kickstarter page would still be online. Indeed it seems besides the different hat, the $500+ tiers are the only things that are missing. I would never pledge that high anyway. So I don't really feel as if I missed out on anything. Ty.
  2. How much did you pledge?

    Are the Kickstarter rewards the same as on the current shop's $250 pledge? If not, does anyone have a list of the original rewards in the beginning? I'm very curious about what I've missed out on.
  3. Yeah I saw that stream. I even posted the picture of the dirt bike in the screenshots myself. My question came prior to the stream. Unless I've misheard, I think they even mentioned releasing floor plans.
  4. Corruption ?

    I just hope that if cops choose to respond to a call, the system will actually track the actions they took after that point. A way (at least try) to reduce possible corruption. If a cop didn't take any actions after accepting to respond, that could mean he took a bribe after arriving, or is just not doing his job as he's supposed to in any case. I also MOST SINCERELY HOPE that if the game works with kind of a bounty system like the Life mods, that cops WON'T be able to clear citizens of their bounty. That would help a whole lot in stopping corruption, but would also help a lot with the immersion / realism. A judge can do those things in certain cases, not a cop.
  5. When I'll see a citizen carrying his firearm open (a holster is ok) in any residential area, I'll stop and have a word with him the very least. The next time I see him/her doing this again, well that's a different story. I won't care so much in rural areas, but it will depend on the situation. If someone is hunting with his rifle, and he has a permit for it, why not. If they're running with a pistol along a rural dirt road, for no clear reason, I'll stop again and do question that person why. I hope the LE computer system will be top notch in game. It's functional they said, so I hope I can mark down or write down infractions in a user's file. Things as: "issued a warning", rather than instantly issuing a ticket. The system could remember tickets and past convictions automatically. So I'm clearly hoping for a function we can manually add notes to that file.
  6. Create a server? No. You'll be able to rent one out of a list of hosts that the developers approved. You won't be able to run the server yourself at home on a dedicated box. You'll be able to change certain settings for sure. Do know you won't be able to change things that would be game-breaking (game-balance). Also as admin you cannot spawn money and such. Admins won't have the right to cheat. Let me put it like this. Modding won't be included at the date of release. They promised to look into it post-release. But even that is no promise of it actually being implemented in the long run. This game will most likely ONLY be on Steam. Other platforms (consoles) are a thing they will look into as well post-release. And again: no promises of delivery. So both these are wrong at the moment.
  7. Is the Voice Chat Toxic?

    Do realize that the people who will be on this game, will WANT to be on this game. This is unlike a free mod for Arma 2/3 on public servers. It costs those toxic people next to nothing if they already bought Arma. White-listed private servers fixed most of that. The audience on private servers are way less toxic (there's always those few people) than they are on public. People don't risk it as much. Now there's Identity. This game will cost them money. Even as cheap as $15, but I do assume most people went for the $30 option. So even on a public server, people will have paid money to play THIS game, public or not. Being a toxic member does risk you getting banned. And the developers said bans are global. I'm not sure toxicity will get you perma-banned, but cheating and other bad behavior might very well. This argument makes me think the voice chat and general behavior of the players will be rather alright. Especially compared to the Life mods and similar mods. If people can't stay in check, they'll risk losing quite a sum.
  8. What's your Steam account?

    You actually bothered throwing that into a gif? I'd be too lazy I'm sure. I'm well aware of my stats, I use the Calculator too (as you could see on my Steam profile info) and I find it amazing. I love it, but it makes me cry at the same time. Well then, for the curious, here's my calculated sheet in 3 currencies: (In Euro) (In USD) (in GBP)
  9. Spike Strips

    That's not true. There have been various games implementing spike strips. To give you an example: think of the Need For Speed series.
  10. How much did you pledge?

    It's been at 89% for months now. They update it manually when they believe they hit a milestone. My guess is that the next time it jumps up, it will be 100% and finished. When that will be? No idea. It's been postponed a few times before. Originally I think previous Easter was the plan. Now they don't dare to give a date, nor any estimates. But it's getting very close. I doubt it will take them months at this point.
  11. How much did you pledge?

    That changes things. I don't think they'll announce it beforehand though. I think it will just ... be there at one point. As a big surprise. That's what I'd do as a developer knowing how impatient my community is. We'll see.
  12. How much did you pledge?

    Your plan is flawed sadly. With $15 you'll have to wait for the full game release. (2018?) The $30 option gives you beta access, and even more importantly: it gives you access to the 3 planned alpha modules. When the modules start, there's a good chance the $30 passport will be removed or will get priced up. And even so, if you plan to add another $15, why? The only reason to do so is to have access to the modules + beta. Buying it on the very last day before release is a waste of money. My point: either do it BEFORE the Town Square module, or don't do it at all.
  13. My suggestions about other careers

    Wow, you still haven't found the FAQs and our perfectly good search engine? Or the very informative videos? Anyhow... 1. Metro is not included. Trains are included, but automated. The rest (bus, taxi, etc.) are ALREADY included. 2. The bike shop will be an NPC, but other than that, you can own a store or be an employee. 3. Not sure if this is an added job. If not, RP it. Get paid by a store manager for services provided. 4a. Unsure. The game will mainly work with EMTs on scene for healing and reviving. However, disease / sickness will be a thing in game. So who knows. 4b. Drugs and medicine will be in game. You will be even able to make illegal drugs, sell drugs, use drugs. 4.5. Same answers apply here as with 4a. Unsure if a hospital will be a thing that's actually ran by players. Or if it even will serve a purpose (with those EMTs going on scene). But once again, please, do some research. A lot of the info you ask for is even available in the trailer, the customization video, and the overview video. Also 2 main FAQs and several more in-depth FAQs per subforum. Don't be lazy.
  14. Police questions

    As I said, those vary. There's no way to enforce any type on public servers. On private servers, where people will need to be white-listed, and even more likely will need to apply for LE, on those the admins can enforce a certain code list of their choice.
  15. Other Timelines??

    @Warzorwesumi This idea has been pitched and addressed a shitload of times already. Use the search function please.
  16. In-game newspaper

    It's already in there. Please use the search function.
  17. Police questions

    1. Unknown at this point. 2. Most likely, as the interiors of vehicles are claimed to be entirely functional. 3. You could mean several things with codes. If you mean on the police radio, then there's no set codes. There's so many variation per state often. On private servers the admins could enforce whatever they want. 4. I doubt paperwork will be a thing. There will be evidence collection and analyzing for detectives. 5. No. At least not at the moment of release. There is a distinct difference between "pets" and "wildlife". Wildlife cannot enter housing, and pets cannot leave your housing. They will work on an update somewhere AFTER release so you'll be able to exit your house / apartment with your pet with you. As for K9, they made no promises. But once it's technically possible, I see no reason why not. 6. Laws will be based on US standards. I don't know if the governor can change speed limits and such.
  18. Accessibility

    Though I see and hair perfectly, I wouldn't mind seeing options like that for the people less fortunate with their senses. Whenever I play a game, whether it is SP or MP, and I browse the options I'm always happy when I find those accessibility options. It tells me the developers sat down and discussed this. Often it's something minor as changed HUD colors for people who are (partially) color blind. Sometimes they go even further indeed with magnification, visual cues where otherwise an audio cue would be, or vice versa. But as LuckyDuck said, I also doubt they are working on that at the moment. If they do it would most likely be after the full release. But I do hope they start on it during the full closed beta period, as that would be perfect. And that only counts IF they even add those options. But if I would have to guess, I'd say they'll at least try it. They are very nice humane people. You know what, I'll ask this question for you on one of next week's live streams, and hope I will get a reply as to their thoughts on this. @Asher I checked up on this and the answer is a fortunate YES! There are already some systems in place. But we'll have to find out what exactly. I'm aware this is not something you have issues with, but for others: do not forget this is a very VOICE driven game. So for people who have a hard time speaking -while there is a text chat- will have a hard time either way.
  19. I find this funny

    I fail to see the funny part.
  20. Greetings from an excited player

    Welcome! And I hope you're more patient about the release than most of us here are!
  21. Hello of Deauville in France

    Welcome! The trick here is never to expect too much! But that's hard with all the promises that have been made, I know.
  22. LPR Licence plate reader

    This wasn't the question at all. LPR = License Plate Recognition. A (mostly) automated system that scans license plates of passing vehicles. Usually they are mounted on poles spread out along crossroads and near off-ramps on high ways. Easy to detect who enters your city, or flees out of it. Another way is that certain well-equipped police vehicles have them on board mounted in or on their front bumper. It can chase a vehicle and scan its plate automatically, without the officer having to manually enter the plate into his/her computer. EDIT: Here in Belgium most big cities have those cameras on approach roads and a few in the city center. Also a few (not much) police cruisers have them. Not too many, as they are a very expensive asset. They are usually mounted on anonymous vehicles though. But if they do get mounted on marked LE vehicles, they do it on the emergency light-bar on top of the vehicle. That's for Belgium. I'm sure things deviate in other parts of the world.
  23. Greetings

    Let me clarify this a bit more. There will be a shop with real money yes. But all that shop will sell is clothing, vehicles, and stuff like that. You cannot buy in-game money. I cannot stress that one enough! You won't be able to buy weapons or anything that could unbalance gameplay. What I am uncertain about it, will you be able to buy those clothes and vehicles with in-game money too, or are they exclusive to the shop? I wouldn't mind having a few outfits/vehicles as shop only, as they are unique. There will be plenty of affordable vehicles (cars, dirt bikes, motor bikes, trucks, bicycles, ...) in the game world itself. If you want to know how expensive? Think real life price-ranges with US standards. And money making won't be the hardest thing to do in Identity. But you'll still have to work for it. And welcome btw!
  24. Rigor Security and Investigation ™

    The odds that someone would take that exact name in the exact same game (let alone on the same server) is rather small. But I commend your efforts!
  25. Car Manufacturing

    There will be a LOT of user created content as you've guessed, but I highly doubt cars will be a part of it. At most I see them implementing the option to add custom made decals, but that would be it. Other customization goes through shops and are fixed presets. With tons of options though, no worries about that. Creating a car would also lead to a lot of technical problems. One example would be the physics. Each car reacts differently when turning, braking etc. I'm sure the developers have a lot of work as it is making everything feel "right" with each model or type of car. Sure if you want to make a sports car or super/hyper car, you could say you'd use the physics preset of other similar cars in game. But it still wouldn't feel unique. I don't think they'll risk something like that. @LuckyDuck If I'm wrong, please do correct me.