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Posts posted by Villasenor

  1. Will natural disasters be in Identity? Like Earthquakes, hurricanes/tornadoes, mud slides, etc? Would they create destruction to buildings and cause damages to economy if so? Also how realistic will weather be? Will rain, snow, fog, etc be realistic and require different vehicle parts and driving methods to drive better in?


    Also would you be able to upgrade your buildings for like security features, luxury features, etc. And if the above is added can you upgrade buildings to survive better in those situations.

  2. After the release and if everything goes well. Will Identity continue to upgrade and add things to the game? The thing about roleplay is it can be a infinite development as long as people keep wanting to play it. Something I would love to see being upgraded is vehicle physics for every type of vehicle. Realistic movements depending on terrain and stuff (Foot and vehicle). Economy difficulty. And more!

  3. 3 hours ago, Calisto said:

    So I  know that if you are injured you wait a few minutes or so for paramedics or you die. But will headshots be a one hit down? Like you get shot in the head and you immediately go down and have to wait for paramedics.  

    For public server I agree with @LuckyDuck. But for private servers to be able to nerf or improve things like this would be cool!

  4. 1 hour ago, WalterWhite said:

    what is the proxy chat going to be like? is there a distance you can hear people from or can you hear people through walls?

    There is going to be a voice feature. It will all depend on distance and your location. You can't hear someone across a wall or inside a car with the windows rolled down. 

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, WalterWhite said:

    Im new to the forums but ive been looking around and was wondering if its possible if you can take someone hostage and tie them up or have in game actions to put up your hands and such for rp reasons. (just an idea if any of these mechanisms arent in game already)

    I remember reading zip ties will be a thing for criminals. 

    • Like 1

  6. 9 hours ago, AndreKing said:

    Hey, guys. My name Andre King. Im looking forward to being on here. I need a job so if anyone has any offers. (Criminal, legal etc)

    It all depends on you, are you planning on doing legal or illegal rp? What will your characters personality be? Anyways welcome! Make sure to join the discord in my signature. If it doesn't work PM or quote me.

  7. 10 hours ago, Rinyuaru-Kun said:

    I know, they've shown it in a video, but I was talking about painting on public walls with spray paint

    Ah looks like this is confirmed by @LuckyDuck but being limited.

  8. 17 hours ago, Rinyuaru-Kun said:

    Will there be any way of making graffiti on the walls like IRL? Or maybe putting posters you made on public walls?


    More generally, will you be able to alter the common area of the game in any way?

    Stuff like art is confirmed. Like you make a painting and it will be featured in the library.

  9. On 9/11/2017 at 1:45 AM, Noah325 said:

    Identity should be a one life game,  u get kill or arrested  you should pay to get back in the game, so people won't be on a killing spree like the game gta 5, is difficult to make friends or hang out with friends without those annoying players killing you every 5sec that gets annoying, this game should be those games where you can think wisely about your next move, in this game you should have a choice between being the good guy or bad guy, identity should leaveit in the player hand, to choice what side his in, good karma or bad karma players choice, there should be the police players the criminal players and the civilian PLAYERS THE CIVILIAN PLAYERS SHOULD BE THE ONE THAT OWN BUSINESS WHO ARE TRYING TO GET RICH, BUT THEY CAN STILL BECOME BAD, COPS CAN BECOME BAD TOO THE PLAYER SHOULD HAVE A METER of good karma and bad karma where they become good or bad, the game should keep a record on the player crimes 

    Not buy the game, maybe the character is deleted from your slot and you have to create a new or use another character.

  10. 44 minutes ago, YaboyJax said:

    When all 3 modules are out, we will have beta and 2 things that would make Identity Beta 500 times better are:

    1. Real Music

    2. Real Cars

    These things would make the game the game better because I'd rather listen to 24k Magic than royalty free classical music and the Car Mechanic Simulator 2015's soundtrack. I'd rather drive around in a Ford Mustang GT than some shitty look-a-like. I know we would be running out of money real quick if we just ran around purchasing royalties like crazy but this would make the game so much better especially for what I aspire to be in the game (Mechanic). Tell me other things that would make the game better and ill edit them in.vUm1WkK.jpg

    This would require expensive licensing. The games budget is not big enough for that unfortunately. 

    • Like 3

  11. On 9/2/2017 at 1:07 PM, LuckyDuck said:

    1. No, you cannot take a right turn at a red light if it is clear because it would be longer to do it that way and it is not needed. You cannot go through any red light otherwise you can be ticketed. Laws will be up to the governor but some will be non-changeable I think.

    2. There will be no way of being corrupt, otherwise they will lose their job/ career and could be blacklisted from it for a duration.

    3. no, because there will not be 10,000 people on one server.

    4. not for cops, there won't be but you probably have to do a tutorial.

    5. Likely not.

    6. The computer will be where you can check warrants on players and stuff.

    7. yes, you can be fined and you must pay the fine.

    8. Not sure.

    9. No.

    10. Not sure.

    1.) Will the engine noise be realistic?

    2.) Will sirens noises be realistic?
    3.) Will the light patterns be realistic?

    4.) What loadouts will there be?

    5.) What liveries will there be?

    6.) Will a police vehicle have a GPS system?

  12. Name: Jose Sanchez

    Appearance: 25 year old male noticeably Hispanic. Above average in height and weight, he would be built and strong. Black eyes, black hair, with a brown trimmed beard. 

    Race/ethnicity/nationality: Mexican/Hispanic.

    Personality: Wants to make the world a better place, wanting to do everything be can possible do. He is a good person that learned from his mistakes teaching others not do to them.

    Education: Finished high school and got a bachelors degree in criminal justice.

    Sexuality: Straight, finds interest in females.

    Misc Facts: He was a ex gang member, has no tattoos or other gang items. He was just a dumb teenager in high school.

    Background: Born on 1/10/1992 in a Mexican hood area. He was raised a hard worker and stayed that way to this day. He had bad friends that got him into the gang activity. Jose got his stuff together and finished through high school. His childhood experience made Jose want to be an officer due to the criminal rates, people murdered, drug and gun deals, etc.

  13. 6 hours ago, LuckyDuck said:

    It will take about 1hr 30 mins to walk the entire Island which being 200km2. Would you say that is in proportion?

    1 mile or 2km takes 15-20 minutes alone walking, but that would be too realistic.

  14. Will the map be 1:1 scale? This means if it takes 5 mins irl to drive there irl then it takes that long in-game. If you are driving 60MPH then you'll do a mile every minute.

  15. On 8/31/2017 at 3:11 AM, LuckyDuck said:

    1. Pretty much what was said above by @TheNerdyChef

    2. There will be a separate keybinding for the radio chat from the normal voice chat for sure.

    3. not really state troopers, highway patrol probably but it is likely included with just the regular police force.

    4. No.

    5. Yeah it is a personal preference and won't be something enforced.

    6. There possibly will be a dispatch but I cannot confirm that.

    1. What will the laws be based from? Like in California, USA you can take a right turn on a red light if there is no traffic or pedestrians. 

    2. How will be corrupt cops or people who are trolling as a cop be handled on public servers?

    3. About in every 10,000 residents there are about 20 cops, will this ratio be used in Identity for public servers?

    4. Will there be medical training or other training like K9 (Tutorials for public servers) for cops to be able to use different abilities? (Medical training would be basic like treating smaller things or getting started while waiting for paramedic.

    5. Will there be paperwork? I believe there should be, add some "downside" to having easy access to weapons and good pay. Or it can be optional resulting in better pay for public servers.

    6. How would the MDT work? I know the computer will be functional but will you have to log in, add yourself to service there, update your status, check IDs and license plates, etc.

    7. Will there be tickets or fines (citations) and person must pay it or be in government debt?

    8. Will officers have the option to head to court if the person who they arrested go to trail?

    9. Will there be government mechanics for government use only?

    10. Would gasoline be the officer's expense or covered by the government? 

  16. 45 minutes ago, AirThatsOn said:

    Hi everyone I was just wondering how do I get into town square? I have already bought the founder package, and I have no clue how to get started.

    The town square module is not out yet. There is no ETAs just make sure to get updated every month or so. You can also join the discord in my signature!

  17. 1. What privileges will higher ranks get in public servers?

    2. How will the radios work? Will it be separate keybinding or..?

    3. Will there be highway patrol/state troopers.

    4. Will there be benefits for officers like discounts at stores?

    5. What 10 codes will be used? If any are.

    6. If someone calls 911 does it go to dispatch or officers?

    I will ask more questions as I think of them.

  18. 28 minutes ago, CyberKiller said:

    realistic car physics like in beamng drive would make the game better because people would actually care about their cars and obey traffic rules to avoid damage 

    another thing I would like to see in the game is realistic body damage for example, it takes one shot in the head and body to kill someone and a shot in the leg will slow them down and make them drag their damaged leg, shots in arms will make them drop weapons or make  driving a car harder 

    It will be comparable to GTA IV. If you crash you can't drive unlike GTA V. If they can do more realism that would be cool but budgeting is a problem.