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  1. Hello. Im just going to say I am someone who hasnt really ever squalored around in negative posts about this being a bad game, the devs being scams, etc. I had some real hopes coming from this game, now of which have been squashed and I had moved onto bigger/better things and forming roleplay community of my own in games that already provide a medium of "life" roleplay. But Through intermittent checking of the status of this game and watching gameplay, I can just say that this is definitely a letdown, in so many areas. In my time, I've seen admins/devs waver people aside, ban unrightfully or for outspoken opinion, and some very very shadiness of certain practices; like for instance, the whole "mansion design" debocle where the concept artist had done nothing but redone a backcropping of Al Gore's house; and then Mod team disclaiming that it isnt a 'exact replica' when nothing changed but the backdrop. Aaaaallllll the way to the game itself seeming like a very, very poorly done UE4 showcase where the actual 'gameplay' elements seem like they are frankensteined together by someone very inexperienced, or them being ripped from other assets. Any correlation to trailers presented have been in a player controller/view that obviously is not present in the game along with content that "isnt done yet" but somehow extremely easy to imagine that it wouldnt look the same as the trailers if we were shown the exact content without the smoke and mirrors. This is not some sort of witch hunt, but me putting my final piece on what has been YEARS of waiting, silently, hoping for the best. These are all things that are not harmful, targetting comments, but rather things that are observably true. Its no longer a time for "Well just dont support us anymore" or "The game is still being worked on" or "Nobody is forcing you to stay". Each and every one of those offsetting comments from blind diehards or Mod Teams actuallly just shows the inability to level with the community, to be truthful, to share ACTUAL progress. With a larger dev team, a massive budget that SO MANY people would KILL to have and do some serious progress towards their projects, this could have been something. After a certain point, a team must take responsibility for the discrepancies rather than shoulder it all aside when they know that their community knows that there is less and less going as planned and the deciding factor as to why this has lost so much steam over the years is because of the lack of transparency, and the lack of responsibility. Money isnt everything, but time is, and I imagine that there are so many people who have prepared for so much more, to be part of something bigger, whole communities formed around this; and essentially the best that can be said is "Well refund it" or "Game still in progress!". Not even the point of people saying "Patience" can any longer apply anymore. No longer can it really be waived aside that a massive monetary backing apparently isnt enough to do what was said could be done. But there has been so many layers of incompetence with this project that I cant help but come to the conclusion that it was too ambitious to succeed with whoever is at the helm, and the team behind it as well.
  2. Hello; New Guy. Lots of Things To Talk About

    @Cuuka Hey Cuuka, and yes I knew it means sad, not that I speak French. But your English is pretty good if I say so myself. Hopefully we'll see each other around some day in game, if you need or want anything from me, I will be around. Same for @Flappy @Mr_Fisk, thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to getting more involved in the forum and community.
  3. Hello; New Guy. Lots of Things To Talk About

    Thanks, good to join, and thanks for being patience with my burning questions, Lol. I'm actually relieved it's all tied to single servers, it'd be interesting if you could get several branches into several servers and hire management. And a marketing firm, you say, that actually sounds like a good idea. So does a private health care for a certain crowd. Getting an adrenaline rush just thinking about possibilities, Lmao. Think I might take you up on your offer to handle your marketing. I have quite a few friends in the design line of things, visual design all the way to video editting. Might be profitable if I get them in on it too to start a firm, like you say.
  4. Hey-o, peoples of Identity. Trist (Triste), Here Decided to actually make a forum/main site account and prepare to pay for one of the packages, and get ready to suit up and get to trying out the Town Square module when it arrives. With that, I've come to ask a few questions and at the same time introduce myself so at least in my mind, I'm not stranger. So I'm not sure as to which Thread (immigration or Q&A) to put this under. My name is Tristen, 22, and my real life occupation is that of a Vet Technician, schooling for said job in progress as well. My hobby is actually in visual design (freelancing for people who want work done for small if any amounts of $), I see myself as amateur-ish, but if this game can utilize that skill and actually open up possible jobs in-game, I'll take that. Actually have quite a few friends with the same skills who are interested in the game as well, most likely we're looking to utilize it. Or even as a EMT/Paramedic, since that lands in a medical job field. (Just saying this for possible job offers in the future?) I'm still not sure if this is the right thread for it, since this is a mixture of things. Brand new to the forum part of Identity, Anyways, lets get this started if anyone's interested in filling me in. I haven't looked into what features/aspects will be implemented, so sorry if I seem dull. - Servers. Wealth, all items acquired, character skills/jobs, businesses, player owned homes. Are they all cross-integrated between official servers? Meaning, business buildings, home location, money, etc; stick to certain servers or available in all? Or is it that important to choose a server to have your business HQ? Or is there a whole character/bank/bundle benefits dedicated to a server? This part is what confuses me the most. - It seems like there's a ton of stores/businesses/services already being setup, well beyond than I even expected. How am I even going to go about starting something I'd be interested in if there's already large groups? As a job that can utilize someone experienced in visual design/medical fields? Which also leads me to my first question about businesses being tied to a certain server, and if I would have to look out for ones already populated with entrepreneurs. -It seems like there's a lot of talk about ladder structures for careers, IE, Police, Government, Store management, employees/employers. Are those positions created and filled/hired by the leaders/owners of those establishments, or is there some sort of skeleton that the players organize around? -And last one, Am I too late too this party?