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Posts posted by xIconikkx

  1. On 18/05/2016 at 7:14 PM, Motown said:

    The next video we put out will reveal apartment/housing customization, and we're absolutely sure you'll love it! There has been some delay to this however because our project lead, John, wanted to include a few extra features to really demonstrate the potential there. We're just waiting on him to finish that up, and hopefully soon, you'll finally get to see what we're offering with Identity.

    Nobody wants you to see and play Identity more than we do!

    I'm starting to get a bit salty and depressed that this video hasn't been released yet... Maybe this new video is actually a Town Square Trailer with a release date at the end of it...

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, xESWxDEATH said:

    I don't see how only 33 devs is a problem, Star citizen has 200+ devs and you can message all of them and get replies within a day or two. But besides that i don't know truly how big this game really is in terms of features. But if i had an artist and another programmer we could recreate the arma mod in Unreal Engine 4 and add features to it within a years time. Again im saying this is me and i don't know what is all planed for this game.

    Its not that simple... Remember they pretty much have to create everything from the bottom, scripts, textures, models, sounds, animations etc. Arma already has alot of this stuff already in place. 


    If you disagree. Please go again and start making a clone to this game then? 


    If you fount this answer helpful, please like the post!

  3. 27 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Damn, I better stop hyping for it lol.


    2 minutes ago, LionKingGamer said:

    Yeah same here 

    Why? Just because there is less devs. Doesn't mean they dont have as much potential as the big AAA devs. The only difference is time. 

    Im sure, these are working hard as possible. The HYPE TRAIN will carry on! All theeee wayyyyy to release!


    Thank you :)

    • Like 2

  4. I seen it on Kickstarter, then wanted to pledge straight away but didn't have any money! But I soon pledged on the Website!


    Cant wait ;)

    55 minutes ago, N7Huntsman said:

    Obviously, a lot of us heard about/were drawn to Identity from within our current/prior RP communities and games. So, "where" is everyone from? What brings you here?

    I'm from Arma 3's A3L. I was with them for a while and did a lot in law enforcement, but my opinion of the community soured and my time there has more or less come to an end and I'm looking for greener pastures.

    Hopefully, Identity is that greener pasture. It's ambitious and promises a lot, and I earnestly hope it can deliver.



    On 3/9/2016 at 11:57 AM, Tymberlejk said:

    Are programmists still working on modules? Because everyday I check them they're still at 64%.

    Can someone say what's going on?


  6. 17 minutes ago, BluePandaIta said:

    Well Hype doesn't build if you show the whole game before the beta even comes out

    I didn't say that whole game... I'm saying Work In Progress Screenshots of a half finished car, building, bus stop, even a god dam sign...


    I think you read it completely wrong.

  7. They said a video/Trailer is Coming "Soon" but the problem is. When you don't give people regualar screenshots/videos. Everyone starts to get Nervous... Like me. I think this game is happening, But they are really busy at the moment. 


    But... It quite litrually takes 2 minutes to upload a screenshot of a Work In Progress or Finished Asset. So it bugs me how we only get these small things like "Books" & "Dress" every month...


  8. I don't want any negativity on this game. Because I really think this will be a amazing game. But... My hype, and hope is slowly dieing because of the lack of Screenshots, videos, etc. Even if its half finished. Its stuff to keep people entertained, Keep the hype going etc.


    So... Hopefully soon they will start releasing Screenshots & Videos. I would be very pleased :D

    • Like 2

  9. Yes, as far as I know, you can't go corrupt. I don't know about alot of criminals because there is such as wide range of legit jobs. Plus your not going to be able to steal alot of stuff without weapons... Which are hard to get for civilians.

    So most likely, crime will be 20% I would say. Then when people start gaining money. Then it might start to rise has people can start making guns etc.


    We shell see!

  10. On 02/03/2016 at 3:06 AM, John-Doe said:

    As an many other games europeans are tired of playing with russian players because only 1/6 speak english! 

    Its really annoying running around in a world where 50% of the server dosen't speak english!

    Most of the european countries speak english and have chance of communication, but if you allowed russians on the european servers then it will blow the game.

    Imagine a cop that are arresting you and you have no chance to speak to the officer becaus he dosen't speak english!

    Please seperate the russian and the european up!

     europeans are tired of playing with russian in games like Rust, Csgo, Gmod, Dayz you name it!

    Everyone has Equal rights. Yes it can be annoying. But if you dont want to listen or hear them. You can simple mute them. We are just as annoying to them. Speaking in a different language.

    • Like 2

  11. 1 hour ago, AndrewDonaldson said:

    I hope its gonna be pretty! :x

    I would just imagine it been a normal full moon, same amount of light. Simple but effective. Night sky might have some stars etc. Hopefully they can try and shove in some 3D clouds. But thats costly so probably won't. But we shell see!

  12. 12 hours ago, JackMcLoud said:


    Though I thought I read somewhere that the Town Square module was further along (95%?) but it was not updated... Could someone shed a light on that pls?

    Nope, They said that they have redone the Town Square & that it looks nothing like the screenshots. That its looks better. So this is why its taken longer, because they have been remodeling, texturing etc. So 64% is the module %


    I hope it isn't two long anyway. Really want to play it.

  13. 16 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    Brothers and sisters do my eyes deceive me? Is it true? Is this some cruel trick played on me by the heaven, or is it truly a miracle granted to our unworthy souls?

    The town square module has been updated to 64%!

    Truly a GLORIOUS day for all to remember.

    I literally just checked & come to write the exact post! Lol. Hopefully it will go up more soon...  Its taking forrrrrrreverrrrrrrrrrrrr.


    But yeah. HYPE!

  14. 9 hours ago, giib said:

    sorry if this is sounds stupid , but is this game released ? if not when is it coming out? I can't seem to find any ware to purchase it .

     The game is not released. The game will be released early 2017 but they are releasing modules soon that will allow you to be able to play small parts of the game.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Striker said:

    I can't wait for the modules to come out. I mean I LITERALLY CAN'T wait. Will you be able to be a criminal or drive a car in the Town Square module? Or is it just for second and third module?

    In the first module "Town Square" you will ONLY be able to do "Social" activitys. Such as Voice/Text Chat talking. Go to the cinema, bar, go do some painting etc. You wont be able to drive or anything.

    Second Module is where you ARE the S.W.A.T I don't think you can be a criminal. We shell see!

    It wont be longggggg now. Just keep checking :)