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About The_Orgazoid

  • Birthday 05/13/1999

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  1. First question: Are oceanic servers (EU for me) running or are we still going to connect to the US East (which is quite laggy for me anyway) Second Question: Will firearms be hard to obtain? Anyone who played Arma 3 Altis life will remember that every hobo and his dog carried a rook 9mm at least, which pretty much turned it into a game of cops vs robbers with 0 RP and everyone screaming "hands up or die". This CANNOT be what identity turns into, so how do the devs plan to structure the economy and pricing system to ensure that a) the market doesn't become hyper inflated (maybe a heavy tax system?) and b) to ensure that guns are precious and you should really think twice before bringing out your sidearm into town as it's expensive and costly to lose. Thanks, Zac.
  2. Great Game Developers, Bad PR

    I'm pissed off, not about the fact that the game is delayed releasing , but the lack of communication and dare I say "lying" to feed us misinformation. If you've found more bugs that need patching pre-release, fine, just tell us! If you forgot to upload the game in time for a deadline, fine! Just tell us. Otherwise you keep people in the dark and that's when you lose them. We don't mind waiting. We mind not knowing.
  3. Release status update?

    and me now :c whats going on ;-;
  4. Guitar + Performance Hall

    I remember reading somewhere that there is a "theatre hall" for performing musical pieces, and that apparently you will be able to "play the guitar". I would love to somehow plug in my instrument and perform in game, do any of the devs have any further information on this feature and how close it will be to the real thing? Also if anyone wants to play together hit me up
  5. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    "We will fight homelessness by building homes". How are these people meant to buy these homes, where does the money come from, where will they be built (we are on an island after all), how can you gaurantee this, what are your fiscal and monetary economic stances to ensure a healthy balance of trade and flow of capital and hot money. Will you operate a fixed or floating exchange rate (or will it be tied to USD). Your left wing so I'm guessing you'll be mainly using expansionary fiscal policy, so who will we borrow the money off for this investment, and how will you invest?
  6. Room mate needed!

    Can we do anal?
  7. Release date?

    Hence why I said "Might" take our money and run, didn't say they would. Not trying to make myself feel tough at all, not trying to troll. But how dare you call this "sad" when games like GTA V who have a bigger team and actually have less content than this game have been in development since 2008! It's only because they let us in on it's development that anyone is complaining anyway. 2 years is a short time in game development terms, they have an extremely small team and if you want to play this game you will have to wait patiently for them to get it up to what they think is a standard that is presentable to paying customers.
  8. Release date?

    You were saying how it was "sad" and that the dev's might "take our money and run". I'm not going to listen to a opinion that's full of complete shit just aimed at slating the dev's who are working EXTREMELY hard to push out this game. I'd much rather voice my opinion at how you are overly wrong and should try developing a game yourself if you want to know what it's REALLY like.
  9. Release date?

    Then go and buy them instead, stop whinging on the forums when the DEV's have provided you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether this game is for you or not. If you are too impatient, don't come onto here to voice your frustration because it will not make a single difference to the date at which this game is released.
  10. Release date?

    Good for you. Never realised we had so many "game developers" on these forums who seem to know so much about developing a Next-Gen MMORPG.
  11. Release date?

    Don't want to wait? Get a refund. Otherwise don't complain, be patient. God some people.
  12. Release date?

    I think it's fair to say that Module 1 will be released within 1 month from now...
  13. Gender Identity & Expression [SUGGESTION]

    I'm 18, I have a bad receding hairline which I take finasteride for, I don't feel bad about it. I also have a lovely neckbeard (when I don't shave at least) which turns me on. I'm called The Orgazoid because that is a character from my favourite TV show "Peep show" and is also the name of the band I'm in. Also, you're very right, this game is described as a RPG where you can be anything you want to be! Therefore I am perfectly happy to be starting up a Escort service, hopefully we'll see you working for us or using us sometime! Never asked you to prove your gender to me dear, in fact I couldn't care less if you want to identify as a pagan God. I respect LGBT people, but sometimes it goes a little too far and a little too silly.
  14. Gender Identity & Expression [SUGGESTION]

    Sex: Your genes define this Gender: You define this. Not much more than that.
  15. Gender Identity & Expression [SUGGESTION]

    Fine, then when they ask you if you want to be male or female they are asking you what "sex" you want to be. " so I find the fact that identifying as a gender outside of male or female isn't possible and "likely won't be possible" to be extremely problematic ". You've confused your own terms. They are asking you what sex your character will be "Born" as. As far as your gender goes, it's as simple as saying to others "I am a non-binary e.t.c." in game and there that's your gender, so they haven't really excluded it.