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Everything posted by JAWZ

  1. Real roleplayers

    RDM and NLR arent rules on official servers
  2. Day/Night Cycle

    I can't remember how long they actually last, but I do know that day is significantly longer than night.
  3. Gangs

    This is correct, and has been said by the devs themselves. You don't need a reason to kill anyone, it will just be discouraged. If you want to play this game without the chance of being killed for a 'good reason' you're going to have to find a private server with rules against RDM and admins to enforce it.
  4. Lets talk about roleplay

    Like I said, you don't need a reason to kill people, but there are systems in place which try to deter you from killing. What these systems are however I have no clue.
  5. Lets talk about roleplay

    At least on official servers I'm pretty certain 'RDM' is allowed and the developers have systems which try to heavily discourage it, but can't ultimately stop you from doing it. However I'm sure some server owners will enforce strict rules against RDM but I would find it super boring and annoying getting pulled up by an admin every time I killed someone because they think its RDM.
  6. I'm just looking forward to committing mass homicide with my friends when we have the means to do so
  7. Militia

    How can't they? Is there a game mechanic in place to stop a hobo going around to other hobos to form a group? It's not like in game you'd have to go up to another hobo and click the 'start hobo militia' button.
  8. identity's currency

    dollarydoos? anyone?