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2 Opportunist
  1. IDENITIFY™ ______________________________________________________________ HIRING NOW! We are now hiring in three different areas. A major perk of being employed with us is that you will get free IDENTIFY™ gear when it comes out. CORPORATE - Communications - Finance/Marketing - Public Relations - Human Resources - Lawyers DESIGN - Graphical design - Project Management - Video-editors - Artists - Photographers RETAIL - Merchandise Associate - Security ______________________________________________________________ Please apply using the following outline: RP Name: Forum Name: Age: Why do you want to work for IDENTIFY™?: What area are you looking to work in? (Corporate, Design, Retail): What Position are you applying for?: Do you have a working mic?: ______________________________________________________________ Thanks for your interest.
  2. IDENITIFY™ ______________________________________________________________ HIRING NOW! We are now hiring in three different areas. A major perk of being employed with us is that you will get free IDENTIFY™ gear when it comes out. CORPORATE - Communications - Finance/Marketing - Public Relations - Human Resources - Lawyers DESIGN - Graphical design - Project Management - Video-editors - Artists - Photographers RETAIL - Merchandise Associate - Security ______________________________________________________________ Please apply using the following outline: RP Name: Forum Name: Age: Why do you want to work for Supreme™?: What area are you looking to work in? (Corporate, Design, Retail): What Position are you applying for?: Do you have a working mic?: Tell me a little bit about the history of Supreme™: ______________________________________________________________ Thanks for your interest.
  3. Custom Clothing Creator

    This would make it easier to create your own brand of clothing in stores, obviously you should have the design approved by a moderator first
  4. Custom Clothing Creator

    Should it be possible to create your own clothing? As in, design your own unique look with colours and new brands using a seperate executable file? Sort of like The Sims World Creator/Clothing editing? Thanks for any responses, Austin.