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Everything posted by jabba_the_slut

  1. Horses?

    there should be jousting that would be fun to wach
  2. Police Equip. Customization

    bank robberies will be awesome >:)
  3. what attachments do you want to see in identity?

    ha. i think probation officer would be an awesome one
  4. jabba the slut in the house.

    no, jabba likes man flesh
  5. Police Equip. Customization

    i think your plice car and your normal car would be tow difrent things, police car only for when you're on duty. it would be kinda silly to have like paintjobs on a police car, so maybe not that far. would be cool to see that the higher ranking you are the better the cars you are authorised to operate, starting with a squad car and ending with an armoured swat transport unit.
  6. Can I up my pledge?

    yeah you may be right. they said there wasn't a way to upgrade or downgrade pledges. it may work like that
  7. When will the first module come?

    within a few months hopefully!
  8. what attachments do you want to see in identity?

    a night vission sight would be cool aswell. hopefully a variaty of designs for the red dot sight
  9. Jail Time

    they said there gona try to make prizon just as fun and as emersive as the world outside
  10. Tattoos

    tatoo designing would be an awesome idea. weather that being you design it yourself and have it tatood on or you sell the desighn to the shop
  11. Will there be vehicles in the towns square?

    the modual? if your talking about the small modual there bringing out then likley not. the town square is just for charecter customisation, and for showing of identity for the first time. cars and guns come in the later moduals
  12. Can I up my pledge?

    no, not quite. i am %99 sure that would mean you pledged to seperate times, meaning you would get the perks of the 60 seperate from the 15
  13. Branching Firefighter Career?

    well firefighters have alot of jobs in real life, not just putting out fires! to start with you would just be able to help out a little, assisting your co-workers. but given time you will have enough expiriance to go right inside a blazing building, rescuing civilians or prehaps your recovering people from a car wreck, or trapped under debree theres still tons of potential for a fire fighter career, aswell as tons of career routs!
  14. illegal/legal weapons dealing

    yeah, thats the wall i ran into aswell. who knows, you might hold the "recipie" and materials to make illegal weapons, so you head down to the abandoned factory and get to work. when you're done you head back, selling them to street thug or other gangs who need some firepower
  15. Library Book Suggestion.

    i dont think there would be books from real life simply due to coppyright reasons, but i'm sure there will be plenty of player made books! weather this be information on how to propperley compleat a heist, or a guide to start your drug empire there will be plenty of books to read. this could also open a career for somebody as a righter, be it fiction or non fiction.
  16. Striking?

    i like this. people quiting work in an effort to legalise a substance or lower taxes/better wages if the police strike then it would be bloody chaos, so the goverment would likley respond
  17. What to do with cheaters?

    what about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU ?
  18. Its the only one unused

    sure is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  19. Can I up my pledge?

    this feature may be inplemented to the website at a later date, as of now you cannot upgrade pleges without paying the full price
  20. Question

    as sicario said, just use the link and you can claim it. its $30 now because they bumbped the price up a little, but you will still get all the things of the $30 package
  21. DLC?

    just to clear this up, asylum said they would NEVER want to introduce any sort of pay to win aspect to identity. any payed features will be cosmetic.
  22. Speed limits

    speed limets would likley be enforced with the in game police force, punishments being strikes agains your license and cash fines
  23. "Like Limit"?

    indeed it will
  24. Player scale in the Open World

    they want the majority of the game to be players, as little npc's as possible
  25. "Like Limit"?

    yes and no i s'pose. guess it depends on how valuable a like is. you kinda have to think if a like litiraly means "yup i read that post cool ima like" then your gona need alot. if its some valuable thing you can only give a serten amount of then a like is something big, that you dont recive often