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Everything posted by jabba_the_slut

  1. Beta acces

    what they said. december 2016/early 2017 with small moduals cominh out inbetween now and then
  2. Trains!

    would be cool to see you actually having to catch a scedualed train instead of going to a train station and "fast traveling" there. you actually have to sit on the train and wait til your stop. that'd be awesome
  3. Switching to on-duty to off-duty as Police or EMS

    i think it would be cool like as intyala said, when you want to actually play as cop you go to the station sign in and then are given jobs to do. and you can quite at any time.
  4. Editing Posts

    i THINK so. because i can edit shortley after posting but if i go to an old post then nope, no edit button
  5. So whose putting there names down for elections

    campaigns in identity will be awesome lol. candidates running up on stage being filmed and boaudcasted to players home tv's, there bing posters all around and people knocking door to door.
  6. Warrants and Arrests

    i think there will be an awesome witness/evedence system. with the judge or jury having the final say on wether the acused is guilty or not
  7. Fbi?

    i dont know what purpose an fbi would serve in a game like this, unless fbi can do something the regular police force cannot
  8. Modding ! :D

    no likley not. its an mmo, so there probobly wont be any ALLOWED mods
  9. Types of Vehicals

    i want all and everything inbetween lol. cars, pickups vans trucks massive rigs, yachts submarines boats speed boats jet ski atv's snowmobile
  10. Editing Posts

    most of the time its just a typo or something small to be added/removed. i personally think the window to edit your post should be larger
  11. Streaming the game

    gameplay will be recorded and posted all over youtube. the content wont be hidden for those who dont ave beta acsess
  12. Marketing your company, brand or idea etc..

    i think that a finite amount of bilbordes plotted around the map with the image quality lowered would be good. at least then they can controll how much memory is needed
  13. Starvation / Dehydration

    i assume you would faint before death, requireing paramedics to revive you before you die. i also like the idea of things happening to you over time if you have not eaten in a while, such as slugish movement, blured vision ect
  14. An actual browser in game?

    would be aweseom to see an in game browser, aswell as many of the aplications listed abouth i dont know if its possible due to licensing issues, but i could be wrong
  15. undertale is overated?

    you MUST have been living under a rock for the past year
  16. Police Homes

    hah. corse you can!
  17. Discord

    aha i see. thanks
  18. Illegally parked cars

    yeah sounds like a good mechanic. would be good for it to work that way
  19. Hello Everybody!

    aah. the start of my rp life was in gmod, probs back in 2k12/13 dark rp was the sh!t lol. welcom to the forums! hopefully you will have as much fun feasting on identities deliciousness as i have.
  20. Discord

    is it like a chatroom software?
  21. Is Identity a PC exclusive!?

    yup as people have said. launching just on the pc, its possible identity will come out on consoles later on
  22. Illegally parked cars

    hah. great idea! would love to see buisnesses/cops call up the towing place because a car has been sitting there for 2 days, and you having to go down and pay to get your car relised before it gets scrapped. also adds another awesome in game job for players to do
  23. So whose putting there names down for elections

    i dont think you can choose to enforce any old law that somebody makes up lol. not going to work like that, they will be put in place by a goverment, who YOU will awnser to
  24. Star Wars Battlefront

    my view on star wars battlefrount is that it can be a good game... just in its OWN right. its a star ward game yes, but serenley not battlefront. it differs so much from the original title. i loved #1 and #2 theey where bloody great games.