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Everything posted by jabba_the_slut

  1. identity's currency

    it always anoyed my on gta v that you could deposit cash with your phone
  2. airplanes and helicopters

    no aircrafts in identity. they said they wanted to keep it on the ground and that it reinforces emmersion, i kinda agree with this. plenty of ground vehicles though!
  3. Motorcycle Club

    logos? confirmed! motorbikes? confirmed! tons of fation options? confirmed! you will sure as shit be able to start a motorbike club. good luck whit that =D
  4. Its the small things that count.

    gta 5 was praised for such things, and for good reason. just the little things like an injured cop beng pulled under cover, or civilians dropping their litter. identity should be the same, smooth animations and tons of tiny details.
  5. identity's currency

    omf i bloody love this. though adding three zero's would be a pain in the ass for transactions of a high ammount
  6. Robbing a Bank

    would love to see a payday type heist system, but would also like to see a planning stage like gta 5. i think an in depth bank robbery system is a must for identity, though it going as in depth as payday (which is a game in itself) might not be possible. but hey, guess we should just wait and see!
  7. What platforms is identity going to be on

    yup, as they have said, win mac an linux at launch, and they may explore other optons in the future
  8. [Forums] User title's

    pretty sure its post count. i think i got mugger once i passed 100 posts
  9. Where are YOU gonna live?

    MOLESTING? THATS HORRIBLE! il freeze her in carbinite of corse.....
  10. What should I play to pass the time?

    garry's mod is a good one. only costs £6 on steam, and £2 on g2a. dark rp is a verry simple rp game in gmod, but super popular with tons of servers. spent about 1k hours on it alone
  11. Where are YOU gonna live?

    i'd probs buy a house thats far away from everything. dont want the law to know what i'm up to.... hehe.
  12. Public Transport?

    it wont be verry big, so no in the town square i wouldn't imagen they would have public transport. i'm exited to! :D
  13. Animations?

    havent played sa-mp, but i assume it means your charecter performs an action, like wave or dance ect. yes i would imagen theese would be in identity, and you can greet people with them
  14. Phone App

    that sounds awesome. would be great =D
  15. Community gets involved in development

    its a nice thought yes, but you would think they want everything to be perfect. and using work developed by unknown sources might not be the way they want to head. but hey, anythings possible
  16. Laptop choices

    woa there. lets take this one step at a time lol obv theres no benchmarking for identity yet, so il just see the best crap you can get for $1600 if you are insisting on a laptop, then you're gona have to sacrifice power for portability, and laptops are a pain to upgrade in any way. you have a relitivley high budget. for ram, go with at LEAST 8gb, 16 if you can. theres alot of descussions online apout what advantages an i7 processor gets over an i5, but with the amount you can spend, i would say Intel Core i7-5500U is within your budget. as for gpu, nvidia 970 m should do you well. you may have to go worse on 1 or two of theese, but as a generel rule, always choose a better gpu (graphics card) and worse cpu. i'm sure you can figure out the HDD and battery life for yourself.
  17. Getting Sick?

    my god. you ALWAYS happen to have a tweet on hand to awnser questions
  18. Inventory Damage

    limb damage is confirmed. i can see the realistic rp aspects of inventory damage, though ut can be anoying to think you only just survived a shootout, only to find the crapton of drugs you had in your backpack are ruined and worthless.
  19. Signature.

    beautifull isnt it?
  20. Hitman

    replace untuned with any game lol. my point was some people just cant run a bloody server
  21. Hitman

    i know that feel. i got so pissed off with the amount of bad servers on this game called unturned, that i actually made one myself, and it's the bomb.
  22. Hitman

    not a problem lol. i have 1k hours in dark rp so i know where you are coming from.
  23. Hitman

    yeah i think it should work that. you can do anything, or be anything and at any random time ask somebody if they want a hit.
  24. Hitman

    sure could. i'm prettu sure eve online have a system like this, you can attacj almost anyware but in high securaty places you will almost def be killed. rdm not being a thing has been confirmed btw, and it would be impossible to enforce on a server with 300+ people
  25. undertale is overated?

    i wasm't a fan of the attack system eather. shoulda stuck with the classic dice roll instead of moving a heart around a box >.<