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  1. Discord Server Link

    Hey guys, I've noticed that a lot of you guys have been dealing with expired invites so here is the link for those that it has expired and need one! This is one that will never expire so hopefully this helps.
  2. Discord Page

    I made one too, go check it out if you want.
  3. Discord server

    Your invite expired
  4. CDC

    Who is it?
  5. CDC

    OH, I didn't see that, thank you for telling me.
  6. CDC

    A cool idea that I just got, so we do know that people can get sick and people can get other people sick, one big thing that you can take out of that is that mass diseases can happen and quarantines can follow with high alerts of the sickness everywhere, so with that would it be possible to have a CDC who try to contain the virus and make a cure. The job could involve running simulations to see how the virus will spread and doing tests to figure out the cure. Also, you only have a limited amount of the virus to test on because in reality you don't really have an endless supply of the virus to test on, so people will have to go out and collect some of the virus without getting sick themselves. Pro cations could be taken like wearing a hazmat suit and keeping yourself clean, but there is still the small change that the person can get sick. Was curious what other people thought of this idea.
  7. Discord Page

    I'm pretty sure I did awhile back.
  8. Discord Page made

    Maybe once the game is actually released people will be more interested in something like this.
  9. Discord Page made

    Well the only real reason that I made the Discord page was because I saw someone else talking about the fact there was no Discord page disappointing so this is for the people who want to use it. Will you be using it, as of right now I don't have any moderators to help when I'm not around, would you be interested in helping me?
  10. Discord Page made

    Here you guys go, I've made a discord page about well Identity, it has some of the same pages the community forums have and i'm hoping that people will use this to talk to each other because there is also the voice channel function on it so people can actually talk to each other if they want. If your interested here is a link: Can't wait for the community to start getting together in many more ways leading up to the release of the game.
  11. Discord Page

    Hey fellow citizens, I was curious if people would like a Discord page, I was thinking about making one so that if people wanted to talk about Identity or other things they could, would that be fine?