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Showing most liked content on 12/26/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    NICE, so they spent all the money we gave them and now they can't finish so they are like we have to slow down... Hard to argue against the prediction that eventually it's gonna just fade and die. great ..... and that was said on discord..... To not even to have the dignity and post a message ON THEIR OWN SITE, FOR OVER HALF A YEAR!!!! It just shows how much these rookies lack respect. This game is on life support, the leader is probably just waiting to man up and pull the plug on it, but dude may just go on with his own thing and ghost the whole project, abandoning a failure of his own creation. Not willing to address the end head on, he just gonna walk away maybe. We got robbed y'all. I would like my money back, but they got it and wont return it. They get all lawyery on us because they gonna keep our cash, regardless. Remember, all we got was a map with one city block in it and a PAYWALLED room decorator sim that is overwhelmingly sub par, and a whole lot of FAKE PROMISES. These guys just couldn't deliver. Shame on them, hopefully now they learned that it's easier said than done. Also, don't make promises you cant keep, bastards. F'n' Lying F'tards. Beware next time you want to believe a WANNABE indie game producer and stay away from giving any of them any money, just wait till the games are out on the market to spend money.