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Showing most liked content on 09/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    This tag is for my post count..... I can't say I agree with everything said or done for the game but, I don't have as much say as everyone else here. The truth is, the Module wasn't as broken before the release day on steam. Everything was working until it was on steam side for everyone. Basically steam release/ servers broke the module, as nothing game breaking or such which happened was actually broken before steam.
  3. 1 point
    "Limited time offer" for years now, selling packages people haven't even coded yet, pricing beta separately from main game for exact same price, selling beta separately, 1.4 million raised according to homepage, year is 2019 now and we're just getting guns, game is priced on steam for $30 even though its early access and in a "module", it costs as much as Arma 3, most people raise their prices when a product has merit and is reputable. I'd be happy if the devs, or anyone, was upfront about anything, but late deadlines and the product lacking when it does come out. Such as the "Crime and Punishment" trailer. It makes a lot of people lose optimism. They delayed the Crime/Punishment trailer according to needing a walking animation if I remember correctly, and then upon release claimed it was a placeholder and made no statement on it. If the walking anim was a placeholder then why was there a delay? It's minor, but small lies like that make people feel like they can't trust the devs words. In the gun video, it was shown that melee fighting has real physics, and showed none of it? I doubt it's done, but maybe I'm wrong. In fact, chess, with the town square, was often broken on release as well as numerous decorations within the house. I definitely heard "you can play chess" a fuckton of times before that release. I know plenty of much smaller devs that are a lot more personal and humble about their progress, most people in the community wouldn't care if it was small things to be updated about, or just an honest "It is not done." tl;dr Fuck the devs personally for cash grab tendencies coupled with blatant lying about progress. lol "executive" tag
  4. 1 point