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  1. 1 point
    I have no issue with addressing genuine concerns, I understand just as much as others that we have all pledged to this game, regardless of the amount of money. I understand that people are concerned about the time length and such. But the way some people on this forum have behaved is unacceptable and immature. I see people accusing the devs and team of scamming us out of money which isn't the case and there is no evidence to suggest that's their motivation. I see people complaining about how the game will never be complete, this is a huge project that cannot be done instantly, I need not to remind people the town square had to be rebuilt three times at least before they could start this properly. I see people taking to the mods and acting like they aren't honest or don't answer but then I see the mods respond as fast as they can and those same people still aren't satisfied. I have nothing against genuine concerns, but people should express those concerns in a more positive and calm approach instead of assuming the worst. From my perspective I should have the most rights to be concerned as I pledged 500 dollars or rather the pound sterling equivalent but I'm not complaining nor even worried about the situation because I trust these devs and mods. If you can't trust the devs then the project isn't for those that can't trust them. The devs have given a pretty fair timeline for the path of progression and 2021 seems a reasonable time to aim for full release if each module takes a year plus beta
  2. 1 point
    Big difference between a genuine complaint and incessant bitching for the sake of it. Whether you like it or not the majority of people complaining on here are the latter and frankly those people need to grow up. I'm not talking about people who think something is wrong and then get corrected. I'm talking about people who constantly bitch and moan like there's no tomorrow and no matter how many times the mods try to explain things they just keep going on for the sake of it. So many damn people don't understand how game development works or even understands that a small company such as asylum entertainment cannot just conjure up a masterpiece at the snap of a finger. What's even worse is that some people have the nerves and sheer audacity to throw accusations towards the mods and devs without any proof and don't even apologize. So yeah people need to learn the difference between addressing an actual complaint when the mods or devs have actually done something wrong not just moaning because the game isn't finished.