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  1. 1 point
    Even after the game is complete and launches after beta there will still be people finding something to complain about regardless of how good the game is. I wish people would drop it already and just let the devs get on with the job, if the devs need to tell us news either good or bad they will. The game is on track and the beta is expected In 2021 with the full game launching most likely the year after. I've never had a chance to play the game so far because I underestimated my laptops specs and thought that because I have the specs to run gta v and Arma III on standard basic settings that I'd be able to run identity. I'm Saving up for a powerful gaming rig that's beefed up to high hell and will have a 2080 graphics card so when I get to play town Square I'll be able to tell all the haters that it's better than they think
  2. 1 point
    So maybe the moderators will respond to you regarding this issue, yet I want to share my experience. This is a bug that keeps coming back, the team has fixed this issue previously and the module worked as intended, for the most part. It may be a few days, but the bug will be addressed. Again, this bug is not new, and it's the code not the hardware, and the dev team will take care of it.
  3. 1 point
    I did try explaining several times that it isn't illegal or against the terms of kickstarter to amass funds after the project has been greenlighted and is successful during kickstarter. I also tried explaining as pointed out above that identity/asylum have always been honest about the goal and funding and KS were satisfied with that approach. Some people just want to complain and slander for the sake of it no matter how many times you explain it or show evidence. I doubt the people who insist on complaining will see things any different but people need to be told nonetheless
  4. 1 point
    You pick on Identity, but really why not mention any of the other kickstarter projects that got further funding after kickstarter? Star Citizen was the biggest crowd funding on there; raising $2 million USD. However they raised over $250 Million USD afterwards...... Identity and these other projects didn't announce they needed more funding after the project like those "RAW" developers did. RAW devs told kickstarter that they was not honest about the funding amount. The others thought it would be enough but realised after the project was complete it was not enough. RAW devs lied about the funding goal being enough because they clearly knew it wasn't enough + they made the goal lower to make sure it got funded..... Rather than the higher goal and less chance of getting the funding... Hope this makes a bit of sense.
  5. 1 point
    I legit just gave you evidence, yet you still dont see it. First they told its enough to complete identity ("we'll have everything we need to ensure that Identity gets completed.") Somehow kickstarter thinks this is a honest campaign Proceeds to raise over $1.4M dollar because $150k is not enough. Case closed
  6. 1 point
    Right, but raising additional funds to complete the project when they explicity said "we'll have everything we need to ensure that Identity gets completed." Which implies that the funding goal would not be sufficient to produce a game like this.
  7. 1 point
    "Should we meet our goal here on Kickstarter, we'll have everything we need to ensure that Identity gets completed." The quote is self explanatory
  8. 1 point
    If I say I feel like its a scam, Im saying im uncertain if it is, but in my opinion I think it is. If I call it a scam, I blatantly mean its 100% a scam. To the point, I feel like im getting repetive but here we go, Why did they put a funding goal of $150k if they knew they would need more than that? RAW tried the same thing except kickstarter banned their campaign for "dishonesty".
  9. 1 point
    I said I feel like its a scam, I did not say it is a scam. Please stop twisting my words. Im just wondering how RAW got banned in kickstarter when identity did the same thing.
  10. 1 point
    Im not spreading false information, I am just warning the public. Kickstarter banned Raw for external funding, and identity did the same thing except it didnt get banned.
  11. 0 points
    Saying it feels like a scam and calling it a scam is no different, just slightly different wording but the main point remains the same. As for identy in Kickstarter as far as I'm aware the only rules are that as long as identy meets the Kickstarter goal they can get funding outside of Kickstart. It's not illegal for devs to sell in game items to help with funding as other games have done the same thing. Asylum probably gets it's funds from private funding as well as the backers who paid and the new ones who pledge toward the game. Like I said before if asylum had broken any laws we would have heard about it by now therefore it seems fair to say that they haven't broken any laws. The team have a genuine goal and dream, it's just taking a lot longer than they had hoped.