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Showing most liked content on 10/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    ok I know ive done rants in the past but tonight's twitch stream completely changed the way I look at this game. I can tell by the voices in that stream these people are tired and realize the community is starting to loose hope and are trying everything possible to get this out but get hit with roadblock after roadblock. so here is my message to the devs: the road has been long and hard and we understand your trying to hold this dream of yours together to only see trolls and idiots coming by with a hammer hit it and complain that's its broken and a scam. I doubt anyone who backs this game thinks its a scam because what kind of moron would back something they think is fake? but im getting off topic to the devs thanks for you hard work and trying to make this amazing game that will change rpg games for years to come. I have one request please don't stream town square again unless its something new you guys are showing, a lot of up had our hopes up last night but unfortunately only saw things weve seen in the past. I think something you can do to combat these scam rumors is livestream you guys working on the ui problems and testing them instead kinda of like jade and a few other modelers were doing on twitch. if you guys were doing this day by day or even once a week I guarantee no more trolls would argue because they could see the problems and not working and maybe even someone who codes would be watching one day and see what needs to be fixed? anyway good luck identity and keep on working to prove the trolls wrong
  2. 2 points
    where is the stream? I didn't see it in the Twitch Clips directory.
  3. 2 points
    Ehhhh it looks cringy. First time I checked the Indiegogo page, they were under $1000, second time was around $2000, and at the moment I write this, still the same. I think they had a little boost from Psi's video, which honestly made me feel almost sick. Complete bull****ting Identity, then treating 9to5 like it was really good and that we should check it out. *Cough* okay so they started on Kickstarter as far as I know right? And they didn't reach their goal. Then they went for flexible goal on Indiegogo. Oof... I mean sure they'll get all the money even if they didn't reach the goal but still. Also it's been said that they use a lot of UE4 assets. And don't they only use UE4 features too? Game also looks... I don't know, there's just something about it that doesn't appeal me. I'll stick with Identity, and I'll see how both games will go. But yeah I just heard lots of stuff going on with some games trying to compete with Identity.
  4. 1 point
    GOOD JOB IDENTITY YOU GUYS DID AN AWESOME JOB ON GETTING TOWN SQUARE WRAPPED UP AND KEEP UP THE AWESOME HARD DEDICATED WORK!!! Awesome game play video, I appreciate all the time you developers spend working on this for future epic gaming. Good Day
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    hello all i am ur new police cehif i expect u to gret me god n ensure i am protect from evil bad guys!! all ur names shal be polece n i expect u to al aply here for rolecall anyoen who dosent will be punished
  7. 1 point
    What is going on Identity community. I get that we have been waiting for an extremely long time for stuff to go right. I also know that many of you are falling down the rabbit hole and completely just leaving this community. But lets keep hoping and looking forward to doing things in the game. Tell me whats on your minds lets have a chat.
  8. 1 point
    Lol, another person trying to justify why he pledged and why he is sticking around. You think its a scam and a joke but you pledged and now claiming you are only sticking around to see everyone else who pledged get sh*t on. Well the jokes on you too bud if thats the case because you were one of them regardless of what reason you pledged, and to say you are sticking around to watch everyone crash and burn just makes you look like even more of a troll than you do already. They are releasing the town square not the whole game. If this does not interest you then go away and come back when the full game gets released. You make out you are the clever one because you think you have sussed the devs out so you sit behind your monitor trying to be funny but really, no one is laughing with you, just at you.
  9. 1 point
    I don't trust Nine to Five. They pronounce "zoologist" wrong.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I agree with you but I also agree with this: I think 9to5 looks quite low quality but everything else you said is spot on.
  12. 1 point
    We're comparing products here, and it definitely should not take 4 years to make some assets and make a game on Unreal Engine, it's not built from scratch. If a bought asset game is going to come out before the game actually in development and be a better product then why blow money on the game in development which shows no promise of being done in the next 10 years.
  13. 1 point
    yeah you are not educated on how nine to five works... they buy assets, asylum creates their assets
  14. 1 point
    It's great when it comes to world design and gameplay, but the community is HORRIBLE. (Aside from certain biker gangs and people who take it seriously.) I think what ruined GTA V's community was its popularity. Popularity = trends | trends = kids that are new to the franchise spreading around the word, causing thousands of kids to purchase the game, and flood the communities with their immature ideals. Most of the kids who play GTA V don't even realize the references, *cough, cough* my profile picture. Not all kids, like my son, are "bad players"; but the majority is. I feel bad for kids who genuinely play games like GTA V and even DarkRP games, because they can't even open their mouths without being mocked by other users.
  15. 1 point
    Here's a step by step guide to claiming your Steam key in preparation for Town Square! Step 1: Head over to https://www.identityrpg.com/account/view/profile to view your items. You'll need to have the "Beta Access" item in order to gain access to the Modules. Step 2: Click the "Account" tab on the side and navigate to the "Click To Link" button beside the Steam logo. You'll be given a warning that linking your Identity Account with your Steam Account is a one-time procedure. When you're ready to make the link, click the button to proceed. Step 3: You'll be brought to Steam's website. Log in with the Steam Account you wish to associate with your Identity Account here. Step 4: After logging in with your Steam, return back to your profile page on the Identity website. You should now see a Steam key beside the "Steam Product Key" heading. (Clicking the "Linked" button beside the Steam logo will now bring you to your Steam profile.) Step 5: Take your product key and register it using Steam's "Product Activation" feature. You can find this by launching the Steam client, clicking the "Games" dropdown menu button on the top left corner of your screen, and then by selecting the "Activate a Product on Steam..." option. Step 6: You should then be greeted to an "Activation Successful!" screen, stating that "Identity: Town Square" has been associated with your Steam Account. Please note that Town Square won't appear in your Steam Games Library until we finish making the final few adjustments required to release the Module. Once we complete the final task on our Task Tracker, we'll then be able to make the Module visible.
  16. 0 points
    I this this game is a scam/joke, I really do. I don’t think it started out this way and I don’t think it was ever their intention. Town square will be released at some point without a doubt. but It’s going to be awful, nothing to do and maybe 10 minutes worth of game play. I’ve only been pledging for about 1.5 years and I feel i’ve Waited too long. Those who have pledged for even longer will b very disappointed. The game will lose the tiny bit of momentum it has left and the money will run out for the project. Why am I still pledging? To watch all the fanboys run around an empty time square trying to convince themselves that everything it awesome and amazing... priceless! 😉