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Showing most liked content on 09/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    ok this is like the 2nd or third time asking about this but this time its different. I still have high hopes for this game but now this is becoming a joke. this 1 task which is apparently the only thing standing in the way of release was something to do with a elevator and something with designing houses. why is this 1 task taking so long compared to the others? the longest we had to wait before this one was only like a day or 2 with no updates but this 1 task has been in (testing) for almost 3 months now, the devs say they are wanting the first look to be the best experience possible but the longer it takes the future becomes for cloudy for this game. what if they need a investor or deal with a service or something in the future and then that company does research and see how long it took them for 1 task to be completed? at this point I think they need to just say forget the elevator and whatever is broken, release the game and fix it while we play. every day more rants are popping up and more youtubers (big ones with over 50k subs) are dising the game causing more rants., im not just wanting them to release a game anymore so I can play it but because every day makes the future look more bleak now. don't believe me? ok if asylum said in a month they were releasing mod tools available for preorder? or a new concept? or something who at this point would really expect that update to be on time. again im not dissing the game and have talked quite a few people into getting this game but im starting to get really worried for the future. again cant wait for identity
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    why not? it is quite realistic for someone to rent an apartment instead of buying it, someone who wants to live in a penthouse for example but doesn't want to spend the money he worked for ingame he can just rent one since it is cheaper.
  4. 1 point
    ok good points, I would still like a version where even appartments were removed or (under renovation) just to play now.
  5. 1 point
    Crowdfunding, Kick Starter, Early Access, Backer, Founder, Etc. Have a certain expectation level that comes with them if you so chose to engage in the process. Many negative Nancy's here seem to ignore that fact, or simply make up their own expectation level when they themselves feel that progression is slow or communication is lax from the developers and studio. If you so chose to engage in said process, you should really follow the the studio and developer announcements early on, as I did and many of you did. Once you feel comfortable with the proposed product and feel reasonably satisfied with what the vision of the end result is, then and only then should you be reaching in your pocket. For some that's the first day for others that is three years down the road. I followed the prospect of Identity for almost three years before I reached into my pocket or even made forum account for that matter. Either way, if you don't go into this with the attitude and mindset that you just threw your money on red number 7 on the roulette table, then you have set yourself up for disappointment. The fact is, these projects are a gamble and if you chose to partake, You own it, it's all on you.
  6. 1 point
    I'm sure if there were to be any smart investors in the future, they would prefer quality for long term success over a rushed broken product. You can cook food faster by leaving it plain and turning up the heat, but will it taste better than taking your time preparing it and cook it to a specific design.
  7. 1 point
    I agree bugs would induce a not so fun time, but honestly...and its been said many times...At no point will this game be perfect (not to be offensive) but for real...could be years and you'll still find the tiniest of bugs, where do you draw the line?
  8. 1 point
    I think you forgot what trolling was for a sec there. The "cheif" guy is trolling and you're taking it too seriously bro. Just a prank mate. And the fact that you pride yourself in having an 11k worth steam account...
  9. 1 point
    I redeemed my steam key but it downloaded a wife and 4 cats to my house?!?
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    @KingSoul The 1 task is apart of the apartments and that is one of the main things that is supposed to be in Module 1 and so it needs to be fixed in order for the apartments to be used on day 1. There are a few types of developers, the ones that stream are the 3D Artists and those props are for the later game, these don't slow the progress with the programmers which the last task is a programming task. The concept artist also is just to show and also give the 3D artists a reference on how the devs want certain things e.g. the most recent one being the prison building.
  12. 1 point
    We all wish things could just be finished so that the game is released D: Not a doubt the last task is taking seemingly forever. But it really is someone that can’t be sped up much. It requires the specific apartment mechanics to be build and then revised. Because anything and almost everything will encounter some issue upon first implementation. And even fixing those problems can lead to new issues. I really do want to see the TS module release soon, I think I am speaking for everyone when I say that. But some issues are just way to severe to let slide. When there is potential for the whole server to crash, that needs to be fixed. When some issues arise that heavily limits the usage of game functions, such as apartment customizing, then it is critical to fix before release. I hope to see everything done soon because it is taking long.
  13. 1 point
    I did not activate my key and have no intention of doing so. I think you are missing the point that there might be a chance that they are passing out the keys hoping that everyone is gullible enough to activate them and therefor ineligible for a refund. Theoretically they could drag the TS module out for another 20 years at this point, and there is nothing anyone can do. It is not out of the realm of possibilities, is it? This game has already seen all the hype it is going to get, they know damn well it is not going to generate any real revenue until it has some real game play or at least close to it. There is no game play in the TS module, people are not going to buy a game when there is nothing to do. Play chess? Sing karaoke? They WAY WAY underestimated the amount of work that it is going to take to produce a game of this caliber. This is far from a new idea, why do you think the top game makers in the business have not attempted it? Years have past, people don't work for free, the small budget they had is probably all but used up. At this point it might just be in their best interest to do so. If there was some transparency and communication about what is taking so long to finish a UI bug, I may feel different, but there isn't. This is the part which annoys me most. I'm not going to sit here through boring ass Twitch streams or rely on Twitter/Discord for information. This is the community forum, this information should be here. If they are finding more bugs as they are fixing that one then at the very least the tracker, wherever it went, should be updated to include them instead of saying "last updated 24 hours ago" when it hasn't been touched for over a month. I'm not a programmer, but I can write code in a few different languages. From my point of view, if it is taking this long to figure out one small bug, then you have some serious issues with the underlying code. Which is a very good possibility, why else would they still not even be able to give a release date? Put 2 + 2 together, and tell me I don't have any reason to be suspicious of their intentions.
  14. 1 point
    Lmao I love the Sopranos video Genius! I am the first ever follower of tiny dog!
  15. 1 point
    You are right. It is our choice to invest, but why do you think that means we can't be annoyed when our expectations aren't met? You have every right to cancel dinner plans with your wife, that doesn't mean she cannot be annoyed at you for it. This is what you need to get into your head, no one is saying Asylum have committed any crimes. No one is saying that Asylum HAVE to listen to us. We chose to invest in a project, and if we aren't happy with the way that project is going, we can be annoyed at that. You are ignorant to blatant facts, which is that the developers of this game have failed on many levels, and while we understood this could happen coming in, that doesn't mean we have to just bend over and take it. We can voice that we are incredibly frustrated. The developers agree with me! Here is a quote directly from beachball to me in private messages. Look, I am not getting into another debate here. I'm not attacking the developers, I am not personally attacking you, I am just tired of the people who think that because we were aware of the risks coming in and chose to back anyway, that automatically means we cannot be annoyed when expectations aren't met.
  16. 1 point
    I've a problem, i've bought identity the 11/05/2017, i've take the 30$ pack. Yesterday i go to the website, and i notice i haven't again this pack to claim on steam. When i link the steam account the writing "Need Beta Access" appears. Can you help me? Thank you
  17. 1 point
    We're getting close! You can now connect your Steam account to your Identity game account and obtain your Identity game Steam key. This key will add Identity to your library so that when Identity is released, you can download it and start playing immediately without having to do anything else. To get your key, login on the main site (NOT THESE FORUMS) at www.IdentityRPG.com. You can then go to the Account tab of your profile where you'll see an option to link your Steam account. You must have BETA ACCESS on your account to claim a key! ATTENTION! You can only attach one steam account to one game account, and it's permanent. Be sure you're logged into your game account which has the items you've purchased before attaching a Steam account! While you won't get Identity in your game library just yet, you will very soon. Handing out the keys like this allows us to reduce load on our servers. We currently have 20,000 keys in the system and we'll be adding more.
  18. 1 point
    Idk what point your trying to make. I’ll tell you my guess for why they don’t have profile pics, because the people complaining aren’t very active on the forums and they don’t follow the games production very closely. They’re impatient and come her to vent and complain.
  19. 1 point
    Somehow, in your mangled mess of text. I was able to find the second dumbest thing I have read today. Artists' aren't programmers. What are they supposed to do? Just sit and twiddle their thumbs just because you don't understand the difference between an artist and a programmer?
  20. 1 point
    Trust me I’m upset too with how long TS is taking and all the delays I’m just tired of people constantly complaining on here. Like it’s not gonna change anything. And I don’t bash topics against it, I just say my opinion and try to keep things positive. What’s wrong with that?
  21. 1 point
    They've been on one task for 2 months, 1 month it was in progress the next month, this month it's been in testing. A big YouTuber recently talked about it where he used a Chrome extension that let you view older versions of the same web page and they've been on one task since early June
  22. 1 point
    Says who? Never heard of u before. Lol u have 4 posts. Stfu bro.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Yep. They did make promises like that. Sadly, the tracker is a bust anyway........because it's simply too little information to give us a clear picture. Apparently someone had the same concern as me and asked them and they stated they'll be doing more frequent dev blogs soon or something, which I hope is true. (if they include relevant information instead of things like......promising to update the tracker more etc.)
  26. 1 point
    There was 3 tasks left last week, and now 2. "remember that "testing" doesn't mean "hey i'll launch it and see if it looks pretty! " Testing = launching, assessing, trying to break under stress test, load balancing, quality assurance, maintenance AND if you found a bug, you gotta FIX IT, and then redo all that testing because a fix can spawn another bug. so just because the tracker LOOKS idle, doesn't mean that we have been." - Cyber
  27. 1 point
    Not with what attitude.