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  1. 3 points
    Here's a step by step guide to claiming your Steam key in preparation for Town Square! Step 1: Head over to https://www.identityrpg.com/account/view/profile to view your items. You'll need to have the "Beta Access" item in order to gain access to the Modules. Step 2: Click the "Account" tab on the side and navigate to the "Click To Link" button beside the Steam logo. You'll be given a warning that linking your Identity Account with your Steam Account is a one-time procedure. When you're ready to make the link, click the button to proceed. Step 3: You'll be brought to Steam's website. Log in with the Steam Account you wish to associate with your Identity Account here. Step 4: After logging in with your Steam, return back to your profile page on the Identity website. You should now see a Steam key beside the "Steam Product Key" heading. (Clicking the "Linked" button beside the Steam logo will now bring you to your Steam profile.) Step 5: Take your product key and register it using Steam's "Product Activation" feature. You can find this by launching the Steam client, clicking the "Games" dropdown menu button on the top left corner of your screen, and then by selecting the "Activate a Product on Steam..." option. Step 6: You should then be greeted to an "Activation Successful!" screen, stating that "Identity: Town Square" has been associated with your Steam Account. Please note that Town Square won't appear in your Steam Games Library until we finish making the final few adjustments required to release the Module. Once we complete the final task on our Task Tracker, we'll then be able to make the Module visible.
  2. 2 points
    Why can't people read basic instructions? sigh
  3. 2 points
    This is normal sir, the game is not out yet, but will be "very soon"!
  4. 1 point
    Hello best Community of the World Everytime when i hear about things working actually then i hear frustated voice that say: "they are kidding us" and "the team is not working properly" In other Forums they say "Identity is scam". Guys? really? do you follow the path of the developing to talk like that about the project? do you think you can do it better? I think you should remember that this is the first project of Asylum Entertainment! I think you should remember that this is not a 1000-Man team, that this game develops as if it would be the fifth part of the game! You should be grateful that the team is putting so much love into this project and developing it - every day and every night! So my Message to the Team: Thank you for all the strength and love you have invested in the project and will continue to invest! You are doing a good Job! The community stands behind you and supports you in every situation! Thank you! Please note: If I have made mistakes while writing I am sorry but I am from Germany and English I have learned only in school best regards John Allington
  5. 1 point
    Yeah! We’re Identi-fans
  6. 1 point
    Blinded fanboys be like...
  7. 1 point
    Hear hear. I agree, we all stand behind John and the whole asylum team and have done throughout this entire process despite some blockades and delays happening. We should all be sticking together and helping the devs in anyway we can and if there are people who still think this game is a scam then I say bah humbug to you. My personal message to the devs is this: You have all of our support and love no matter what and we all stand firmly behind you. Thank you all and keep strong.
  8. 1 point
    Things like houses/mansions won't be available in the store and will be only bought with in game money. Although, pledge rewards are meant to be unique, but sure you'll find very similar items in the full game.
  9. 1 point
    I call it now, soon after the TS module is released many motherfuckers are going to be in here bitching about how there's nothing to do and how boring the module is. No one will be happy with any part of the development of this game.
  10. 1 point
    In game money is very much a thing. Everything can be bought in game with money acquired via in game tasks. The apartments you can get in the store now will just have a different layout from the ones you can buy in game.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    using "one task left" does not mean anything anymore, it s been one task for 1.5 - 2 months
  13. 1 point
    I do really appreciate all the work the team is doing. Not a lot of people can fully understand how difficult the full development of a game actually is, so I thank you all. Keep up the good work, because I know y'all will do great things for this game!
  14. 1 point
    Salutations everyone! As we continue to shift focus toward programming, we’ll be removing the Tuesday art stream from our weekly schedule. Our Thursday Asylum Development Hour will remain unchanged, so you can still swing by Thursdays from 4PM – 5PM ET to catch our artists live. Our artists have started hopping into the engine to help fix furniture and apartment related issues that have arisen during the testing phase of Town Square’s final task. For those unaware, the final task necessary for Town Square’s launch involves the integration between the Housing System and our UI. This involves things such as being able to accurately decorate and customize apartment interiors while having our User Interface accurately reflect the proper changes made by the player. The Housing System is one of Identity’s more complex systems, and the artists have been helping where possible. While they lack a background in coding, they’ve become familiar enough with the Unreal Engine that they’re capable of assisting in a few different areas. With this, they’ll be more focused on implementing fixes and making quality of life changes for Town Square rather than working on new assignments. We’re all giving it 110%, and we can’t wait until Town Square releases!
  15. 1 point
    Hey there. While one could argue that I am not part of the team development wise, but still moderation wise, I really do just want to take the time and say thank you. For all the kind words said really. I would be lying if I said I never once though about leaving, taking a break, etc. from the game and community. It can be rough! Emotionally especially. So taxing that its almost hard to find a moment to savor amongst all other problems that may lie in between. And reading your message, it touches me. Every day I remind myself that why I come here isn't for moderation or because I am obligated to. Its because even before I joined the Asylum I hung around because I loved the community here. I met some amazing people here. Ones I talk to regularly and even ones I help and support when they might be feeling down. Really, the people just one product (Identity) has introduced me to is incredible and I can never see myself leaving them behind. I want to say it again. Thank you. Because we are all human we he hear every bit of what it said. Sometimes we have to take it personally, and it can hurt. But right now, heh, to be honest I am feeling rather well, and you contributed to that happy feeling. Thank you <3
  16. 1 point
    DDoSers are such no lifers sometimes. Like why would anyone care if people want to play a game or visit a game site...............It's beyond me. < .<;;
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Ok, so we got people above calling others idiots but you decide to criticize him for insulting someone and completely neglect everyone else. Hmm, might it be because he's not praising the developers like everyone else does? Can't be..
  19. 1 point
    Coolio, Gangsta Paradise ?
  20. 1 point
    thank you! someone who understands what i said... As i mentioned, i do check the process nearly every day. I dont give a damn that there are now steam keys. They could also provide us steam keys 5 months ago - this changes nothing! I still am focused and pre-happy on this game but they never should tell us so many release dates and also maybe goin more into detail when you sittin like 2-3 months on the last task (and user interface doesnt looks so difficult like bugs,system,envo, and so on... it just looks like a big joke sometimes and i also dont like these people complaining since the release date wasnt respected BUT there is a point where it gets ridiculous so stop attacking me when i said in the very first that i dont wanna hate and i still think its a great game BUT THERE IS A GODDAMN BUT !
  21. 1 point
    Yes because you have the crystal ball that nobody else has and only JoelKeys knows what everything means...
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    We're getting closer, which is why steam keys were released. So you can have it activated on your account ready to go
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    We're getting close! You can now connect your Steam account to your Identity game account and obtain your Identity game Steam key. This key will add Identity to your library so that when Identity is released, you can download it and start playing immediately without having to do anything else. To get your key, login on the main site (NOT THESE FORUMS) at www.IdentityRPG.com. You can then go to the Account tab of your profile where you'll see an option to link your Steam account. You must have BETA ACCESS on your account to claim a key! ATTENTION! You can only attach one steam account to one game account, and it's permanent. Be sure you're logged into your game account which has the items you've purchased before attaching a Steam account! While you won't get Identity in your game library just yet, you will very soon. Handing out the keys like this allows us to reduce load on our servers. We currently have 20,000 keys in the system and we'll be adding more.
  26. 1 point
    They just released the Steam keys to everyone who has purchased this game. This goes to show how the majority of people who complain about this game never actually stay updated or check what's going on before posting these unnecessary topics.
  27. 1 point
    Lmao u should take the best comment of the year. what is the name of this movie or series?
  28. 1 point
    I still have 600% faith in this game though! just sayin
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    I CAN NOT WAIT...for them to give us keys and make us check back non stop for 5 more weeks!!!! YASS!!!
  31. 1 point
    Can confirm I am alive again, thanks Identity mod team!
  32. 0 points
    Lol, even with any form of progress, there just has to be some complaint or two or multitude complaining of nothing being achieved. My previous post on another topic is starting to make me side more and more with the people getting absolutely sick of others posting the same jibber jabber. Majority of the people who will be launching IdentityRPG at launch, will not even understand how to actually make this game the way in which it is supposed to be played as. Role Playing Game, in the final three letters, is what I have a funny feeling most people won't even comprehend. People complain that it is not even out yet, but probably won't even understand the Role Playing element involved in this sort of concept. Pretty sure we all know that hours after launch there will be yet another multitude of complaints regarding how "this isn't the game I paid for" "this gameplay is boring" etc, etc, etc. I'm not saying the progress has been an amazing journey, but so long as there is progress, I have no issue with waiting. Patience is a virtue and without patience you are just as ignorant as the other fools. Not saying the topic poster him or herself, but generally speaking. We are all entitled to express our concerns about a game we have put money into. But can you at least have some form of alternative suggestion rather than a couple of rants (a couple in this topic, for example) - because without anything to suggest, it's just digging up the same crap that everyone else on these forums had to deal with over the past year or handful of years. Progress is being made, whether you think so or not and whether the IdentityRPG team wishes to tell us or not. Simple as that.