Ok, again, I am a patient guy, I have other games to play to occupy my time with, but I do have to agree with the OP on some of the points he brought up, even though it will probably bring some heat from the undaunted faithful out there. I do find it hard to believe, that for x amount of weeks now, they have been stuck on one User Interface element. Some of the things said here and there about elevators and what have you have been said since that little tracker hit 13 of 14 tasks. So, in essence, if they are working on bugs and stuff, the tracker should be updated, not sitting on the current 13 of 14, it's not honest if you are telling us that all that's left, then you mention Opps, found an elevator bug. The Dav's did put the Tracker up so they wouldn't have to state a release date yet again, now it's just well, once we are finished with this one item on the User Interface. So in all fairness to the OP, if they are telling us to watch the tracker and look for emails and updates and watch the streams, and the tracker isn't moving, and they mention other bugs they are knocking out, then it isn't transparency, because they have backers sitting on the edge of their seats thinking its only this one thing they must overcome before the release.
As far as wanting it to be a super polished and enjoyable alpha release, I can understand that, and I applaud the effort, however, the expectations that they themselves can find all the little things that are going to go wrong with the server by using unreliable stress test techniques instead of a real-time environment while the server(s) are under real stress by real players doing crazy things trying to break the game or find a glitch testing it like the very meaning of Alpha and Beta expects us to. It is not really something you would expect from a game developer, it's more like something that you would expect from some distributor's legal team. With that being said, a lot of important points have not been addressed like who is hosting the servers? Will there be an NDA during the initial module release? What protections are they putting on the game client to keep it from being ripped, reverse engineered and possibly some sort of cheat engine being developed that could mess them up during the full release? Remember Dark Souls III, the very day it went live there were the super hacks already there. So, team A (the faithful and true) score points saying hey, there is a lot of things we don't know about going on in the background with the Devs, and Team B (the Want to Know's) are correct in saying hey, maybe if we knew more about what's going on, we wouldn't be so impatient and ready to just say hey, gimme my money back. From my perspective, yes, the Devs have not really been reliable and faithful in keeping folks updated and the whole tracker thing was kinda eye candy if they don't keep it updated. Til the release, I have other games that are currently getting my subscription money, and that's money that could be coming here for upgrades if I knew that there would be updates that made sense and explained the situation. That's just my take on things.