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Showing most liked content on 07/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I don't want to be a pessimist here guys, but one task left on this funny little tracker thingy doesn't necessarily mean the TS relase is gonna happen soon. Just saying.
  2. 2 points
    Winter Jacket by Umut: Cruiser Jacket by Umut:
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    I am not trying to be mean or anything but you didnt pay for a product, you helped back a project. If you cant handle delays and even more delays then maybe you shouldnt have backed in the first place... As i stated before i m not trying to be mean but there are a lot of people who think they paid for a product, people like these actually give the developers a hard time by first giving their money and then taking that away again...
  5. 1 point
    I've been a VIP backer for a year and a half now. . . I know some others have been backing for longer than that. So far what I'm seeing is a major disconnect between the developers and the backers. We've been delayed far too long, and we don't even know what we're backing yet. There's been "small" "game-play" videos, but no actual "fruit." I am now getting to the point where I feel like I've been waiting too long for too little, and considering refunding. I don't necessarily want to go that route, because I am excited, and have been, to see what Asylum has to offer. But, Asylum was supposed to start "sharing" more with us, and I feel as they haven't met that expectation. Yes, there's been videos and streams of development, but I've gotta say it's far too little far too late. We haven't seen ANY of the content that we've been backing for, with the exception of the incredibly small video's which have been released relating to Town Square, and a horribly scripted RP meth lab shootout. Not to mention the TS module tracker that goes days without being updated. . . I don't mean to rant, but what's going on Asylum, what are we waiting for, and how much longer can we expect to be delayed? So far it's been pretty redundant, standby and wait to standby and wait longer, oh and by the way. . . Since we've delayed twice already, we're not gonna inform you (the players and backers) when to expect the NEXT delay. . . Asylum, the least you could do, is show us what our pledge's contain and give us a timeline of when we can expect to see the TS module. And to be clear, I'm not counting "place-holder" assets. Please Asylum, give us something to feed us, I know I'm not the only person who feels this way.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    There isn't sex in the game, but there will in fact be strips clubs and kissing. Not everything sexually related is gone, but you cannot have sex at all.
  8. 1 point
    I feel you're arguing for the sake of arguing... However... I'll bite. My comment wasn't directed at us, the community, being a part of their company. It was directed at the fact their information is and always has been scattered to the wind. I do know that Asylum are taking this issue seriously, which is why post TS release, they're looking to address the issue. Games developers that have their own community forums (mostly all of them), often engage through their community with Announcements, when there's something to announce. In most circumstances, the developers already have a game released, or the development is behind closed doors. It isn't a crowd-funded project, therefore does not require transparency. Asylum are currently operating behind closed curtains and it's like there's an un-lidded blender behind that curtain - unless you're looking in all directions at once, you're going to miss some of the information flying out at all angles when it's switched on. The simple solution to that is to remove the curtain, and have everyone looking at the blender in all its chaos so everyone can see what's going on, and what's flying out. Bad analogy aside... Asylum aren't being put on a pedestal... and other developers aren't getting a pass. The only other major crowd-funded game that's made by a company and not a bunch of individuals is Star Citizen... and I'm pretty sure that got slated for like 3 years because it was behind schedule and updates weren't being released often enough. More to the point though; if you compare RSI to Asylum (despite their budget being far greater now), they have constant announcements and all their media published direct to their website landing-page, and asylum don't do that.
  9. 1 point
    And you can predict the future? No, you cant, you are being totally pessimistic. Yeah the game has had bumps and blablabla but first of all, the TS is close to release and there is already being worked on the second module, these modules also take less time. So this game will probably release even when they have had delays. Because there are always those who know the risk of backing a game and dont refund with the slightest problem.
  10. 1 point
    I totally agree with you @Joe. The sad thing is that, those who noticed that this game is never coming out, quickly applied for refund. The bad thing, is that the community is so hyped for the game, that they became ignorant. Many projects, such this, are being backed by many. But the sad reality is that only very few manage to reach a release stage, and identity is not one of them. I am not a hater btw, i loved the idea of the game. But the wrong company is behind the wheel. The best option is if another company buys the game and finish it.
  11. 1 point
    Valtorix, apparently you didn't read any of the post. . . or any of the responses people have put in. If you don't want to discuss where Asylum could grow, then you don't have to. . .
  12. 1 point
    Some of these comments are hilarious, only one of you had a somewhat accurate answer. First of all, the issue you're getting has nothing to do with windows 10. The problem is literally spelled out in the error, you're putting in the wrong password (or mispelling it) or you've entered the wrong username. Now there are a great many ways to fix this, none of them are casual user friendly (and by that, I mean someone who doesn't have a solid understanding of software and how PC's work). If you sincerely cannot login, or recall your login, the easiest thing would be to completely re-install the OS. It may seem like a hassle, but it works every time guarantee. Side Note: Seriously, I have no idea where some of these comments are getting their info from
  13. 1 point
    Honestly we should have a thread somewhere counting the amount of posts people make about "This is a scam" "Game is delayed AGAIN" "Look, I love the game but listen guys this has got to stop" like seriously its a broken record These people act like the devs arent aware, with all the people screaming helplessly on the forum about it of course they know.
  14. 1 point
    I was specifically told some of these were placeholders. By the moderator. Even if not, images or better descriptions are needed ON THE PLEDGES PAGE. I'm tired of dumpster diving to find scraps of what I'm supposedly going to pay for. > .<
  15. 1 point
    It was my understanding, that the original pictures of the cars and assets were all temporary placeholder assets, until they can model them. I am pretty sure they even said that stuff was placeholder.
  16. 1 point
    Pretty sure I already covered this. . . but I'll try again. More meaning, a time-line of when we can expect the release of the TS module because the Task Tracker doesn't share this information. . . and more meaning, what our pledges actually contain, the cars, apartments, the motorbikes, the sports cars, and garages etc. . . and I will also re-iterate, I'm not speaking of "place-holder" assets. Do I need to spell it out any further?
  17. 1 point
    To me it sounds someone put in a password. So either you did and you forgot it. Or someone else got access to your computer and they put in a password. This isn't a windows 10 issue. Since the same thing can happen on basically any os. How can you make a bootable disk if the os is locked? Did you copy from someone else? Do note it could very well be didn't copy correctly or the copy you made is corrupted. (Again something that isn't a windows 10 exclusive issue.) Maybe you also need to try again. What also could be a issue is related to your hard drive that you are using and it is failing.(Something again not a windows 10 exclusive issue.) Could also be a cpu issue which is making it so you cant fully reinstall the windows 10 os(Again something that isn't a windows 10 exclusive issue.)
  18. 1 point
    YOU ARE THE POST 21,000!!
  19. 1 point
    This. This right here is my issue. Everything should be organized in a place where people don't have to dig through a myriad of media outlets to get the entire information on this game. > .<
  20. 1 point
    Seeing as the last one took around 3-4 weeks, I would hedge a bet on late august, early september for this. However, I genuinely don't think this tracker has anything to do with actual development... It has just given the devs control over a release date without having to give an actual date. There has been 0 transparency in what any of these tasks actually are/were - They probably do not correlate to anything - more just something to keep people interested and talking about the game.
  21. 1 point
    In my opinion this game unfortunately will not run its course... They will probably release TS around late august to early september, by then everyone will be even more pissed than they are now and what will happen when they login to TS? Be able to walk around, play chess and sing some karaoke? Everyone is begging for TS to be released, not really realising that it is literally just the engine? Oh wait... i think you can pick up a paper too... So following this release, people will get their refunds because there is nothing to actually do in the game and the time frame between modules will clearly be a very long process with minimal communication from devs to investors. This will equal a pissed off player base who as I just said, will either get a refund, or just simply stop playing the game. By the time the full game comes out (if it ever actually does) it will have lost its player base, community and will not get off the ground properly. The more likely outcome is it getting almost to module 2 and the whole thing just crashing down due to lack of funding.
  22. 1 point
    Oh shut up you whinge bag and cry us a river. We don't care for your trolling attitude. Go back to call of duty or wherever you came from
  23. 1 point
    Hey fellow Law Enforcers With this topic I'd like to inform and assist you in understanding and creating a police department. It's important that departments are organised and have a structure to ensure officers are appointed to tasks and supervisors ensure tasks are completed. While rank structure is an important part of your department, it's also important to have a good divisional structure. Hopefully at the end of the text you're a bit wiser on how a police department works. We'll start of with Police Ranks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hierarchy Staff Officers Chief Of Police - In charge of the department and handles public relations with other departments aswell as controls internal procedures and protocolsDeputy Assistant Chief Of Police - In charge of the department when the Chief of Police is on absence Deputy Chief of Police - In charge of a large part of the department, known as an Office. Example: Office of Operations or Office of Counter Terrorism Command Officers Commander - In charge of a training within the department. Example: Sergeant In Training or Detective In Training Captain - In charge of a precinct or leads all patrols within a certain area and acts as a supervisor to supervisors. Lieutenant - In charge of a larger division and serves as city wide/ patrol wide supervisor. Supervisor Sergeant - In charge of smaller divisions or head of certain aspects within divisions. Alse the first contact point for basic officers Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective.. Investigator Detective In Charge - In charge of a investigation division and will handle day to day requests from lower ranked Detectives. Also in charge of casefiles. Detective - Basic detective who investigates crimes after they happened and observes organised crimes Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective. Non Commissioned Officers Police Officer III - Patrol officer who teaches the new officers the way around the department. Police Officer II - Basic Patrol officer who makes up most of the department. Police Officer I - Newly inducted Police Officers who are in their probationary stage and learn the way of the department. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hierarcy With the previous mentioned hierarcy the base of your department should be filled. However it is always possible to adjust the ranks towards the need of your department. For example you can create a Senior Sergeant who would be a basic sergeant, but in training to become a Lieutenant. Another example is a Lieutenant I and Lieutenant II. Where the I would ensure larger divisions are kept under control the Lieutenant II would handle a precinct or multiple patrols. Ranks also work hand in had with your organisation. For example if you have 7 divisions it might be wise to have 7 lieutenants or a few lieutenants of the bigger divisions and sergeants of the smaller divisions. It's important to know your department, because some divisions will require more intense handeling than others. Warrants and searches require more knowledge of the penal code and law than a traffic division. For that reason it's better to have a Lieutenant handle the Investigation divisions and a Sergeant the Traffic Division. The higher the rank the more legal and situational knowledge a person must have. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Chart _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Know your department and its needs! It's very important to ensure your department has a wide arrangement of divisions people can join so their day to day tasks are never the same and never boring. A good structure is most needed in the department and every part of it has a person controlling it. Divisions by Sergeants, Large divisions by Lieutenants, Precincts by Captains, Offices by Deputy Chiefs and at the top the Chief of Police. The way a good structure works if that a basic officer will not have to complain to the Chief of Police. If he has a problem he should go to his appointed sergeant. If he can not solve it, the sergeant goes to his superior and so on. Because there are limited amounts of divisions in an Office there will be a good overview of them all. It's important that the division leader reports to the Office leader and the Office leader to the Chief of Police. Ensure to give your Deputy Chief of Police enough power to change his Office by only having to inform the Chief of Police with the changes. This way there is more control and better support for every division and they will know who too contact when there is a problem. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL NOTICE: If you have comments or have questions about a certain aspect within the police department, you can always ask it here. I'll try to give a good answer to every question asked. Obviously if your question is important, it will also be added in the topic along with the explanation. If you have certain subjects to add aswell you can always PM me and it will be added into the topic along with credits too your name. This topic is aimed to give a detailed guide on how to make or understand a police department and hopefully the community works with eachother to give tips to other servers. Sorry for possible writing errors
  24. 1 point
    I would be willing to swap my money into game $ If the game will be good quality and will work 100% great on my IMac
  25. 0 points
    its going to be like APB when it first came out just a little section with some pretty buildings but that actually turned into a game though.. how ever i don't see theses guys getting any where with the amount of delays and problems there having with just a town square module.. just think what gonna happen when they actually gotta program the planned game play features lmao
  26. 0 points
    Yes, there has been more detailed information handed out on the remaining tasks. Via Discord, via Twitch, and even on the forums here and there. You really ought to look around first, before making statements.