Hey tozany4u!
If you were to upgrade from "Speed Demon" to "The VIP", you would gain an additional 2k in-game starting cash, a Two Bedroom Apartment, and a Dozen Random Outfits. You would lose the Luxury One Bedroom Apartment, however.
Motown came on stream not too long ago to discuss additions to the current pledge reward packages, so this is what you might be referring to! I'll link the clip below:
Meta (Have there been any changes to the current pledge reward packages?) https://clips.twitch.tv/BovineFriendlyStingrayArsonNoSexy
He states that "The VIP" will be given another 1k of starting cash (meaning that the VIP will grant 5k starting cash total), the Old Dirt Bike, and the Used Motorcycle. No changes were made to "Speed Demon", but "Up-Sized" was given an extra 1k of starting cash as well.
That being said, after Motown's changes, "The VIP" includes:
Founder Hat
Beta Access
$5,000 Game Cash
Two Bedroom Apartment
Two Car Garage
Sports Car
Dozen Random Outfits
Old Dirt Bike
Used Motorcycle