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  1. 3 points
    Shouldn’t this be called daily hopes? Since ur making one everyday.
  2. 2 points
    Hey tozany4u! If you were to upgrade from "Speed Demon" to "The VIP", you would gain an additional 2k in-game starting cash, a Two Bedroom Apartment, and a Dozen Random Outfits. You would lose the Luxury One Bedroom Apartment, however. Motown came on stream not too long ago to discuss additions to the current pledge reward packages, so this is what you might be referring to! I'll link the clip below: Meta (Have there been any changes to the current pledge reward packages?) https://clips.twitch.tv/BovineFriendlyStingrayArsonNoSexy He states that "The VIP" will be given another 1k of starting cash (meaning that the VIP will grant 5k starting cash total), the Old Dirt Bike, and the Used Motorcycle. No changes were made to "Speed Demon", but "Up-Sized" was given an extra 1k of starting cash as well. That being said, after Motown's changes, "The VIP" includes: Passport Founder Hat Beta Access $5,000 Game Cash Two Bedroom Apartment Two Car Garage Sports Car Dozen Random Outfits Old Dirt Bike Used Motorcycle
  3. 2 points
    Announcement I'm finally back after my sudden disappearance. I will be updating the post from tomorrow morning until release.
  4. 2 points
    Whoever is locking threads pointlessly stop it.
  5. 2 points
    Statues by Antoine: "Asylumware" Laptop by Jade: Leather Jackets (edit: Wait, they're Denim, Beach has no fashion sense) by Umut:
  6. 2 points
    I think it was a good idea and certainly better than providing another deadline/date which the Devs couldn't adhere to but I think some people need to manage their expectations a bit better. Keep an eye on it myself and honestly check most evenings but there's no need to post and stress when it hasn't been updated on the occassional evening (or over the weekend for that matter ??) some tasks will take more than a day to resolve and it will appear that little has changed according to the tracker but the Devs are making progress everyday behind the scenes. I guarentee the tracker only scratches the surface of whats going on in terms of development...regardless looking forward to the release when its ready just hope the Devs realise nothings perfect and not to obsess over the smaller issues
  7. 1 point
    Just that. In light of the TS Module being delayed (again), and it apparently being so close to being finished. One would think that you would see some more gameplay videoes and screenshots coming from the devs to whet the appetite of those excited and to calm the nerves of those skeptical. It's just a weird choice not too release more in my opinion. Thoughts?
  8. 1 point
    *Added Day 19 *Added Day 20 *Added Progression Picture 10-20 *Added Progression Picture 1-20
  9. 1 point
    Do you think the tracker was a good Idea?. Vote then tell us why or why not!
  10. 1 point
    No offense TPlays, but you’re kind of spamming the forums with your “Weekly Hopes”. Instead of doing them weekly, you’re doing them daily, which may inhibit other’s opportunity to have their voices heard. I understand you want the community to notice you, and we have, but please be considerate of others. Thanks and cheers!
  11. 1 point
    I think we just want to be informed. Because of the rest of the delays we just want to be a little more informed.
  12. 1 point
    OK this is good to know. I also agree there should be a bit more explanation.
  13. 1 point
    It's a great idea, but they should still make some changes. They didn't tell us anything about what the 'progress' they're making on the tracker, apart from vague categories like technical art and stuff which only leads to more questions. Like I said it's great but it should be coupled with brief descriptions of progress and definitely not replacements for them lol
  14. 1 point
    @Byron Welcome back you where missed here ... Your topic did sadly not get updated in your absence.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I lurk a lot on the forums and in general, but the Tracker has definitely helped a lot of us I think. Instead of waiting for a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly progress announcement, we can see the progress daily and our anticipation will still be there.
  17. 1 point
    There is not really much difference in the packages, just the extra $2,000 a Two bedroom instead of a One bedroom apartment and the random outfits which you could just spend a little of the pledge money to buy clothes. I bought the $250 Speed Demon one i don't have a reason to upgrade because i wont be sharing that apartment with anyone and when i work up to be able to buy a house in the outskirts of town and $2,000 is great to start out with. I would rarely change my outfit once i find a good one that suits my play style. Also Beach_ball would not reply for like another 6+ hours unless he checks earlier.
  18. 1 point
    Whoever is creating threads pointlessly instead of PMing mods/admins stop it.
  19. 1 point
    Wesbite up next week! ...3 weeks later
  20. 1 point
    Fine I’ll count you as 1/2 a point one and a half points for the South Africans!!
  21. 1 point
    i wasn't a fan of the tracker. in my eyes all the tracker was is something for the to lean on. they gave 2 dates and failed on those, so if they gave a 3rd and failed again it would be a shit show. however put a tracker and you don't have to promise anything, everything is there to somewhat see and people can make their own assumptions with nothing official. bad enough they didn't plan on the delay taking long and we are almost a month in.
  22. 1 point
    I would say optimistic. It is always a matter of opinion.
  23. 1 point
    The devs are delusional to think they can perfect a pre-alpha build, especially since this is their first game . Module 1 is definitely going to be buggy and maybe unstable. The dev blogs should be informative on the development of the game or website and we are getting none of that. Just one concept art a month. Which should make anyone even a bit suspicious. The team is being particularly quiet these past weeks. They promised for transparency and they gave us a tracker that is extremely vague and needs to be updated manually and they blame another company for slowing them down which is very unlikely because this team is very incompetent.
  24. 1 point
    Sorry to hear man! Hope you are able to spend the week with loved ones. We all appreciate you doing these updates for us!
  25. 1 point
    Hi Nicolas! Welcome to our great community. Please take a look at the FAQ's and our huge Twitch Clips Directory down below, which provides the newest answers to nearly every question. If you still have any questions in mind, feel free to ask! See you in the game! Cheers, Cayn
  26. 0 points
    We use TS to talk about Town Square not Team Speak